Chapter 21 : The Demon General

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King smiled at Helen and Alicia.

"Please, feel free to attack." King said as he dropped his guard, however his breathing had not yet settled. King knew all of Helen's attacks and her preferred method of fighting. After all, in the future before King had come back in time, Helen had been apart of King;s group that assaulted and killed the Demon King. Knowing Helen from the future, King had deducted that with a simple taunt both she and Alicia would come flying at him but Alicia would fall behind due to her inferior speed. King then took in a deep breath as he quickly prepared himself for Kelen's rush. Just as he had predicted, Helen was the first to charge King, quickly using her ability to close the gap between the two in less than a second.

Helen's Profile ! :

Profession :90% Enhanced Weapon-Wielder, 10% Brawler
Specializes in : Lightning fast strikes that are nearly impossible to dodge with her perfect timing. .
Ability : Lightning God's Blessing : Allows her to move as fast as light for a definitive amount of time, however severely weakens her if she uses the Lightning God's Blessing for too long or too often.

Helen's dagger was aimed at King's throat when she suddenly was thrown backwards by an unforeseen force.

"What!?" Helen exclaimed as King suddenly appeared in front of her. He quickly kicked her up into the air before leaping after her. His fist was lodged inside of her stomach, followed by his elbow slamming into her back and sending her crashing into the ground. The unforeseen force that King had used to repel Helen was merely King activating Crimson Curse X3.
King suddenly dodged Alicia's sword slash, as well as the next several slashes as Alicia had jumped into the air with him. King was going to launch her to the ground as well when a sudden dark red portal opened just below them, practically exploding into existence and drawing everyone's attention.

"So this is where the disturbance is coming from." What sounded like a female's voice spoke as a female demon stepped out of the portal, followed by three more demons coming in behind her.

"General Raaz, we are exactly 3.21 miles away from the human encampment." One of the demons behind the female one said. That demon had a blue jagged armor plate on sticking off his left shoulder, similar to the one that Helen had on hers. The demons all stood at least six feet, including their vicious looking armor with spikes that gave a chaotic look yet the armor was organized with some resemblance of order or pride.
General Raaz, the female demon, suddenly looked up at King and Alicia. She had purple skin, her head covered with large spiky hair and a horn on her forehead.

"Ah, it appears the next Crimson King is here. That explains the anomaly." General Raaz said as she smirked. She then turned her head towards Naomi and the others, smiling.

"Tonight, I dine on the blood of the Crimson King!" She shouted as she turned back towards King and launched herself up into the air, hurtling towards him.


King dodged Razz's initial kick before attempting to slam his knuckles into her stomach. Instead, King was then struck on the head by her fist, plummeting to the ground and crashing into a small crater.

The three other Demons that had entered with Raaz glanced at the injured Helen and Alicia along with Gale and Naomi.

"Fear not humans, General Raaz has stated that we are not to touch anyone here for she wishes for everyone to fight with her and her only. Should any of us lesser demons interfere, she will immediately terminate us." One of the three said.

"Of course, should you attack us, we will defend ourselves." Another of the three spoke.
Gale glanced at Alicia who nodded and turned back to reveal Naomi healing Helen.

"Wha-?" Alicia gasped, surprised at the scene. Just moments ago, Helen and Alicia were hell bent on killing her. Now, Naomi was healing Helen?


King was suddenly enveloped by his red aura once more. He launched himself from the crater, sky-rocketing towards Raaz.

"Crimson Curse X5!" King shouted as he and Razz collided in the air. After their collision, Raaz threw several punches at King, all of which King was forced to block using his forearms. She then caught King by surprise with a kick to his rib cage. Raaz then followed up by firing six blasts of energy that blasted King away from her. She smirked at her handiwork, which allowed King to appear next to her and land a kick of his own to her head. He then followed up with a volley of punches, however the Demon General easy dodged them all.

"You move well, Crimson King, but you're still far too linear!" Raaz commented before directly landing a punch to King's face, interrupting his rhythm. She then quickly landed two sharp kicks to King's chest then his face.

"You're still far too naive to continue standing against me!" Raaz shouted before swinging her left arm towards King.

"And you're monologuing." King replied as he dodged Raaz's blow and easily landed a counter to her lower gut. As she bent over in pain, clutching her gut, King landed a kick to her back which sent her crashing down into the Earth. King then dodged the energy blast that Raaz fired at him before she lodged her knee into his gut after leaping from the crater below.

"You're predictable, Crimson King." Raaz said as she suddenly noticed that her knee hadn't impacted King's gut. Instead, King's hands had shot forward and narrowly cut the knee, preventing a direct impact to his body.

"And you're slow." King replied as he spun his body, throwing Raaz away from him. He then quickly charged a blast of red energy in his palm before firing it at Raaz. The blast exploded as it made contact with the demon general.

"Like I said, predictable." Raaz said as she appeared behind him, her kick to his back sending him plummeting to the Earth below once more.


The three lesser demons then turned their attention towards Naomi and the others. The group then walked towards Naomi, an energy blast charging in one of their hands.

"Princess Naomi, the Demon King has ordered for your return to the throne." One of the demons said as the demon charging an energy blast in it's hand pointed it at Naomi. "He has also given us orders to use force should you not comply."
Naomi was silent as she finished healing Helen.

"No, I refuse." She quietly said. The demon then fired the blast at her, glaring as the explosion suddenly took place.

"You do not have an option."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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