Chapter 4 : An Unwanted Visitor

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    "Mom? Where's Selena? Wasn't she supposed to be coming home today?" A 12-year-old Gale asked his mother. His mother, a blonde woman named Nera, shook her head sadly. His father, a broad shouldered man named Ethan, bent down to one knee and held Gale's shoulder.

"Gale, your sister passed away last night." Ethan said with a heavy voice.

"What? No, you said she'd come home today. Where is she?" Gale asked, attempting to ignore his father's words. The saddened expression on both of his parent's faces told him they weren't lying.


Alicia sat down at her seat next to Gale's bed in the school infirmary. The sun had long since set, leaving an eerie silence outside. She held Gale's hand as his unconscious body inhaled and exhaled. She was surprised as the door behind her opened.

"You should knock first." She said as she turned around, preparing for yet another of Gale's friends. This would be the sixth one that hour, but something was not right.

"King?" Alicia exclaimed as she quickly turned her entire body to face him.

"Relax." King said to her. It took her a moment to realize that he did in fact speak what she'd just heard. It took her another moment to realize that this was the first time she'd actually ever heard him talk.

King suddenly saw a shadow move behind her, a confusing sight considering all of the windows were closed and covered and the lights created shadows that faced the opposite way.

"You should leave him. He'll be fine." King said, trying to get her out of the room. He knew who the shadow was.

"I'm not leaving until he wakes up." Alicia responded stubbornly. Unbeknownst to her, the shadow behind her suddenly rose from the ground and formed the outline of a man. However, his features remained that of a shadow.

"You really should listen to the young lad. Please, leave us immediately." The shadowed man said before raising what Alicia thought was it's palm and pointed it at her. A white energy began gathering at his palm.

"I said immediately." The man said before firing the energy at Alicia. Alicia suddenly unsheathed her rapier and quickly cut the blast of energy in half. The energy blast disappeared after her rapier had cut through but the man caped in shadows suddenly laughed.

"You Nouva High kids are Nouva High worthy for a reason. Impressive. However, not impressive enough." The man said as he prepared to fire three more shots of energy.

"Kyle." King suddenly called. The shadow suddenly ceased all movement at the mention of the name 'Kyle'.

"King? Well, I'll be damned! I see you've gotten new friends already! I'm sure Kendrick will be glad to hear it!" The shadow said as suddenly, the shadow was a shadow no more. A man walked out of the shadows, a smug grin on his face. His red, spiky hair was neat yet somehow messy at the same time. His piercing red eyes glared at King. He was slightly taller than King, but height had nothing to do with why he was there.

A surprise awaited Alicia as Kyle suddenly dashed towards her. She was about to bring her rapier up, to block Kyle's spear that he had pulled the instant he dashed when King suddenly appeared in front of her and quickly grabbed the spear while pushing his palm out to stop Kyle's momentum. With his palm in Kyle's chest, King launched Kyle through the window located several feet behind him.

"Make sure he doesn't touch Gale." King said before he jumped out of the window after Kyle. Kyle smirked as he wiped away a bit of blood that had come from his lip. The red-head then pulled his spear from his back and readied himself ,waiting for King to make the first move. King responded by pulling his long, fencer's-like blade and pointing the sharp edge at Kyle.

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