Chapter 9 : Kendrick

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King intended to slam into Kendrick, but there was the problem of Naomi being held at knife point. Instead, King slammed into the ground in front of Kendrick.

"Good to see you, King." Kendrick said as he removed his hood, revealing a brown-haired male who looked to be around their age, maybe younger.

"Kendrick." King returned before pointing his rapier at him.

"Drop her and call off your guards." King demanded before Gale landed behind Kendrick.

"Gustavo, you said you'd leave her alone if I killed King!" Gale shouted in protest. He placed a hand on Kendrick's shoulder, only to be violently shrugged off.

"Is he dead yet? I don't think so!" Kendrick shouted at Gale.

"Now, back to the main course. You are going to stand there while my new friend Gale impales you, or else both of these girls will be impaled for you." Kendrick stated. Instead of agreeing like Kendrick thought King would. King began laughing.

"You're still going by Gustavo!?" King exclaimed. Kendrick suddenly revealed a knife and pointed it at Alicia.

"Shut up! Gustavo Kendrick IS my name!" Kendrick shouted. King then turned to Gale while crouching on the ground and clutching his stomach.

"This guy's real name... is Bob!" King shouted as Kendrick, furious with rage, suddenly shot the knife towards Alicia's head. He stopped as he noticed Gale's sword jutting from his chest.

"Wha-" He breathed before Gale removed his sword, then, in an instant, cut off Kendrick's arm. While Gale had been dismantling Kendrick, Naomi had suddenly broken herself free of the two guards holding her and was proceeding to beat the ever living hell out of them. She uppercutted one of the two before jumping over the other and kicking him into a broken building.

"This wasn't part of the deal. You agreed to leave Alicia alone." Gale said to Kendrick. Kendrick started laughing as his body suddenly disappeared into mist.

"What!?" Gale exclaimed as King suddenly placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's his ability."

Bob "Gustavo" Kendrick's Profile ! :

Profession : 50% Brawler, 50% Swordsman

Specializes In : Abusing his ability to lull his opponents into a false sense of security.

Ability : Mist Presence : Has the ability to transform his body into mist in a split second. Also, he can create a "Mist Clones", exact replicas of himself. The only drawback is that with repetition, his ability becomes harder to manifest and use. Also, with each clone, Kendrick's power is decreased and spread evenly among the clones.

Two Kendricks suddenly landed in front of King and Gale, each wielding a broadsword about the same size as Gale's.

"His power is split between each clone. In our..." King glanced at Gale, who was also breathing heavily from their clash.

"Condition, we won't last long."Gale looked at King before smiling.

"Good thing we're not alone, eh?" Gale said as Alicia and Naomi both came flying forward, Alicia slamming her sword into Kendrick #1 and Naomi landing a kick to Kendrick #2's stomach. Gale looked at King, expecting him to smile or to at least jump in the fray and take advantage of the situation.

He was shocked when King stepped in front of him.

"You all should leave." King said, sheathing his sword and throwing it to Gale.

"What!?" Naomi exclaimed as she snapped around to face him.

"He only wants to kill me. You three shouldn't be involved." King replied as the Kendrick's fused back into one being.

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