Chapter 5 : Preparations

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Kyle's shadow had disappeared, freeing Alicia. By this time, the police had arrived and were asking King questions. No doubt they'd come up to Gale and herself as well. King suddenly hopped through the window.

"He got to him?" King asked. Alicia nodded her head in response.

"I need to speak with Karin." King said, suddenly exiting the room. Alicia turned her head at this.

"Karin Yuchester!? The principal!?" She exclaimed, expecting him to still be there.


The next day, everything had calmed down. With the use of someone's ability, the broken glass and damage done to the school were repaired easily. The police had released a statement, with Nouva High's consent, that the attack on the school was merely a dispute among unknown parties. Thanks to that, it was as if nothing had happened. Alicia and Gale were ordered to say nothing by Karin Yuchester, the female principal of Nouva High. King had disappeared last night, after saying that he was going to meet with the principal.

"Alicia." Said a female voice behind her. She was in Gale's infirmary room, watching as Gale spelt peacefully. She'd requested today off from school, with the principal's permission of course. Given what she witnessed last night, the principal had no reason to say no.

"Yes, Naomi?" Alicia asked, turning around.

"How is he?" Naomi asked before King appeared behind her.

"He's fine. The medicine should wear off in an hour." Alicia replied. King suddenly placed a hand on Naomi's shoulder, prompting the female to turn around.

"Naomi, can I have a word with you?" King asked. Naomi gulped before blushing and nodding her head.


King walked through the halls with Naomi right behind him. He needed to get to a secluded place, a place no one would be able to hear his and Naomi's conversation. As he searched for a quiet place, his talk with Karin Yuchester returned to him.

"King, to what do I owe your presence at this time?" Karin had asked him when he showed up on her doorstep last night.

"Nouva High was just attacked. By Rebels." Karin nodded her head at this.

"I am aware. Impressive, defeating all three of the Masked Siblings on your own." Karin responded.

"They were after Gale. Unfortunately, I could not interrogate one of them." King stated.

"This attack was prior knowledge to me." Karin replied.

"You knew!? And yet you did nothing about it!?" King replied in an angry tone.

"I did. I sent you there."


"What did you want to talk about?" Naomi asked, a nervous look on her face. She as also blushing, though not as madly as before.

"I want you to do nothing about it for the time being. The Tournament between schools, the Rigan Festival is upon us. There, you can exact your revenge. However, unlike previous years, this time the tournament will be a team-based tournament with teams facing off against one another. We need four people per team."

King looked like he didn't know how to ask her. All he needed to do was ask if she wanted to be on the same team as him, and yet he couldn't form his thoughts into words.

"Is this about the Rigan Festival?" Naomi asked. King gulped before nodding his head.

"Would you like to be on a team with me?" King finally blurted. Before he even finished the sentence, Naomi had feinted. Her knees melted beneath her, her mind losing consciousness.


"Is it.... still there?" Alicia asked, gesturing to the mark on Gale's neck. The blonde male gently nodded his head, the numbing medicine slowly wearing off. Alicia had been referring to the black symbol that marked Gale's neck. Kyle's shadow, just before disappearing, had created that mark on Gale's neck.It resembled a Fox's head, only in black coloaration.

"We'll get someone to look at it." Gale's hand suddenly grabbed Alicia's wrist just as she was about to leap out of her chair and look for help. He shook his head.


The next day was a Saturday, which meant no school. King would usually spend his weekends sitting up on a tree that sat atop of the Grand Hill, the largest hill in the center of Nouva City. Well, either that or in the Abandoned City. This time, however, King had invited Naomi to the Killing Canyon, a training area that would somehow automatically regenerate any damage done to the terrain.

"King, why did you invite me here?" Naomi asked. Although she had said the sentence with a straight tone, her massive blush was impossible to miss.

"There's a reason I don't display my ability at school." King said as a red aura suddenly enveloped him. Red lighting also danced around him, creating a beautiful array of design in the aura.

"What the...." Naomi exclaimed as King suddenly looked at her with an intense, almost angered, look in his eyes.

"It's so that I can collect power to kill someone."


"What...." Naomi gaped at the spectacle before her. She had been blown back by the force of King's attack. She hadn't been the only one to be blown back. Rather, she hadn't been the only object affected by King's strike. The previous mountain that had been standing, as well as an endless trail of destruction, had been blown to smithereens.

"There's only one drawback.." King said as he suddenly began to fall forward.

"It's taxing on me." He said, losing consciousness and slamming into the ground.


The medicine preventing Gale from moving had wore off, thankfully. He stretched his arms and legs before removing the hospital's boring white cloak and donning his new attire of a black vest, grey t-shirt, and blue jeans. He quickly left the school's personal hospital before pulling the card he'd received from Kyle.

"The Abandoned City!?" Gale exclaimed, reading the card word-for-word.

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