Chapter 36: Robbie Returns

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"Well," Kiara clicked her tongue before continuing, "this explains why you didn't bring your other half."

"It's a rare occurrence for me to be able to ditch my sister, so you're quite lucky."

"Are you sure she won't mind?"

"Of course she won't, she's too busy chasing Björn boar out of our hut."

Kiara gave him a disbelieving look then shifted her weight, trying to adjust to the unfamiliar saddle. She was seated on Barf while Tuffnut sat on Belch, with his chicken, of course. Yes, a pet chicken.

Sitting on a zippleback was a strange experience for Kiara. Firstly, she wasn't even on the dragon's back. She had her legs wrapped around the top of the dragon's long neck and was unusually high above the ground. It felt far less secure and Kiara couldn't imagine how much worse it would be in flight. Well, for her anyway. Tuffnut seemed right at home on his mount, casually ruffling Chicken's feathers now and then.

"So, you want to play with fire?" he asked Kiara, wiggling his brow.

Kiara grinned. "Now you're talking! Am I on his sparking head?"

Barf shook his head no, almost making her slip, at the same time as Tuff replied, "Nope, Belch is my head."

"O-okay," said Kiara, still regaining her balance. "So how does the gas work?"

"Easy. You just yank on the horns and Barf will barf out the gas, and I'll spark it."

"He'll be okay with me yanking on him?" Kiara asked doubtfully.

"He loves it." Chicken squawked loudly as if reminding Tuffnut of something. "Oh, and don't breathe in the gas," he added hastily.

Too late.

Kiara, having yanked on the horns as soon as Tuff said it's okay, felt the gas hit her like heat from an oven—a really nasty oven. She coughed, trying to expel it from her lungs but her head was already spinning like a top. She barely noticed the world turn sideways before she slid off the saddle completely. Tuffnut's fingertips swept across her palm as he tried (and failed) to grab her. Then something else broke her fall and swiftly placed her on the ground. Her legs wobbled as she found herself leaning against purple scales. "Whiplash?"

"Er, gotcha?"

"Thanks, Whippie."

"That was awesome!" Tuff exclaimed, sliding down Belch's neck with Chicken in his arms. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You stopped falling, like you hit an invisible pillow, then landed next to Whiplash!"

Kiara laughed. "You come up with some weird stories, mate. Must be fun to have a brain like yours."

"It is. Hey, I didn't make it up! Invisible pillows are real!"

"Okay, okay," Kiara giggled. "We'll discuss your brain later. I need to talk to my dragon, privately." Tuffnut's face fell, obviously disappointed. "How about we meet up later?" Kiara offered and his face lit up instantly. He was such an open book; Kiara knew she wouldn't think twice if she ever needed to trust him.

"Sure. At the clubhouse?"


"And of course, after your session of torture—er, I mean training." He let out a snort of laughter. "Good luck with that."

"Oh yes. Thanks."

He turned to walk away. "Come on, Barf, Belch. We should probably help Ruff catch that boar before she gets mad enough to start cursing in boar Latin." And he was off.

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