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Parenting was a bit harder than I thought. When Tord has a dirty diaper I would get sick and make Pat do it; I've been in war and watched blood and guts splatter on me, but I can't even look at the mess he makes. I know what he eats, we feed him everyday! And it's nothing like we've gave him! Anyway, went he is just wet; I'm fine. I'm a pussy.

I walk past Patryck in the guest room, I don't need to monitor everything he does; I'm not like THAT person in a relationship. (You know what I mean)

I sat in the living room watching TV, the baby pin was still up when Edd came over. Tord was still inside, doesn't seem like he's a fan; he was trying to climb out. " Tord no, what are you doing?!" I jump up and rush to Tord picking him up and taking back to the couch and took a seat with him on my lap. He started to cry again, what am I doing wrong? "Tord?" He looked up me with guilty and refreshing eyes; I felt something wet on my leg and it started to stink. 'oh God no!'

I take him off my leg and stretched him away from me; he started to cry again and wailing his legs. "Patryck! Change his diaper please!" A annoyed call came from the bathroom, he was taking a shower. I can't change a dirty diaper, it's disgusting; but I can't let him get a rash.

I take his upstairs, still had him stretched out. I put him down on his changing bed and hesitantly undid his diaper and gagged when I saw a glimpse of it. "HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT WHEN THAT'S NOT WHAT I FED YOU!?" I freak out and gagged. "Babe I can't!" 'I just put shampoo In my hair!'

"Tord... Why.." I try to take the dirty diaper off but again, I couldn't. "Tord.. I can't." I begged it to go away; WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. "Okok I'm a man." It took me seven minutes but I was proud. "Look at you baby!" I lift him up; admiring my work. "It's backwards.." Patryck insured me, crushing my hard work. "Thanks Babe..."

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