Entry #4

255 23 3

It's when no one wants to be with you. Because you're annoying and clingy and loud and anyone wouldn't settle for that. It's when you are so far up in need to have someone validate you every single time and all you think is how you're never good enough.

You grew up to be the least favorite and you grew up being compared to almost everyone. You grew up ashamed of yourself and afraid to speak what's on your mind because you fear that you're not making any sense and you're just wasting the time of everyone who attempts to listen to you.

You'd rather stay in your bed instead of going out. Because going out means socializing and it's something that requires you talking. And you can't recall which part of your life someone shushed you because you're talking too much and you just can't help it.

And you just have this lump in your throat that doesn't seem to go away.


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