Entry #41

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My mom would always say I'd find my match. She said someone will be louder than I am, and I'll have to shut up. She said someone will have a fire burning hotter than mine, and I'll burn quietly in his touch.

My mom said my match will make me obedient, for I am always not. She said he'll make me bow when I never wanted to, and that's when I'll know he's the one.

But my mom never told me that my match will be someone who will make me feel everything is alright. Someone who could calm me down from my panic attacks with her I love you's and her hand on my hair.

My mom never told me my match will listen as I rant about things, and that she'll watch with heart eyes even though I'm mad. My mom never told me my match will look at me like I placed all the stars in the sky.

I believed my mom when she said my match is someone who will tame the beast in me. But I was surprised that my match is someone far from it.

My match is someone who loves the beast in me.

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