Entry #37

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Why do I have to hate myself so much that I can't even look at myself in the eyes? I can't believe I even ran away from my own reflection once because I thought I saw a demon staring back at me. But I'm the demon.

It's me.

I hated how my legs are too long that all my jeans doesn't fit well. I hate that my curves are not in the right places. I hate that my skin is too dry and my face is too oily. My hair has always been a mess and my eyebrows never cooperated with me. My eyes aren't the same size and my nose is always covered with pimples, whiteheads and anything that makes it ugly. My teeth had been on braces for too long now but they're just getting uglier. My lips are dark and never kissable. My hands are too thin. Too long. Too ugly. I got pimples at my back and the valley between my breasts. My breasts are too large for my body that if I wear something fitting I look like a whore. My butt's too flat and even after I did lots of squats it wouldn't change. My fingers are too thin. They're never good at holding hands.

And I could go on and on and on about the things I hate about myself. I can never stop.

Why do I have to hate myself so much?


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