Entry #24

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I've always been someone who understands. I may be irrational most of the times, but I always understand.

I understand how that time my dad had to cheat on my mom. I did. I understand. Not because I'm a daddy's girl but because I understand. I understand how that time, my boyfriend chose his cigarettes instead of me. I understand that he needed it. I understand every reason they have in their mind. And all reasons are valid.

I always have this idea that if you put yourself on someone else's shoes, you'll get why they did something. I'm not justifying that it's okay to cheat, or that it's okay to do bad things. I just simply understand that there is a reason behind it. There is always a reason.

There is no real evil in the world. In fact, I believe that maybe, the most evil of them all was once the kindest soul. They just had their reasons.

And all these thoughts are making me afraid. Maybe this is how you think when you're on your way to your own darkness. That understanding those reasons are leading you to doing it as well. That understanding why people do bad things will make you think it's okay to do it too. Because you have your reasons.

I don't know why I understand how someone can kill someone. I don't know why I understand how people steal, cheat, or hurt other people. I just do. I just understand that all their reasons behind are valid. Because everyone's thoughts are valid.

Maybe, I'm on my way to my own darkness. Maybe I'm few steps closer.

And the demons inside me are rejoicing with the thought.


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