Chapter 10

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Shawns POV

Once I dropped off Skylar, well I wouldn't call it dropping off since she lives about 30 feet away from me. I walked in my house with no one home. Aaliyah at hockey practice and both of my parents out with some friends. I walk into my room and see my acoustic guitar on the floor. It is usually hanging on the wall. I walk over to it and see that the strings snapped. It's broken

My parents gave me a acoustic guitar for my 15th birthday a few years ago. I really haven't played it lately. I learned how to play it when I got it. me and my friends liked to call myself good at playing the guitar. I really don't know why I stopped playing. I guess I just thought it was boring and useless.

I guess I could run it to the shop later to get it re-stringed. Even though I don't play it anymore. It has a lot of meaning. Before I got that for my birthday, my dad always walked in on me singing, not just random songs that you would hear on the radio. I used to write songs, I guess they sucked I don't really remember writing them.

Since I have nothing else to do. I take my broken guitar, put it in my Jeep and drive to the music repair shop. I try to remember the good days and bad days I had with just an instrument. Well, people like to call it an instrument, I know this sounds crazy, but I like to call it a part of myself. Almost a price of my family.

I arrive and grab the guitar from the trunk. I carry it carefully into the shop so it doesn't break even more.

"Hello" I say in front of the desk with no one there. I ring the little bell and then a middle aged man walks in. He yawns "oh hello how Can I help you" I recognize that face. Well you see, this isn't the first time I've broken my guitar. "Dave?" I ask. He just stares at me trying to put the pieces together of my face. "Wait, shawn?" He smiles. I used to come here for lessons when I got the guitar and had no idea what I was doing.

"Long time no see buddy, huh?" I say and he walks around the counter and looks what I broke again. "Broken strings again mendes" he smirks. I always broke my strings from playing too hard. After I broke it too many times he gave me a replacement one and gave me lessons. "Hey! It wasn't my fault" I fake frown, but end up laughing. He knows me so well.

"Give me it, ok I'll fix it up real quick" I gently give it to him. He put his glasses on and put it on his desk.

About a half an hour later, he has re-stringed and fixed it. "How much?" I take out my wallet pulling out a 20 dollar bill. "Oh please, it's on me" he puts his hand up not taking it. He turns around to put his glasses away in his case and I slip the 20 dollar bill in one of his folders. It's the least I can do.

"Thanks Dave, nice seeing you again." I grab my guitar and turn around walking to the door. "No problem mendes, don't go too crazy on it" he laughs before I walk out. I put my newly fixed guitar in the backseat and drive back to my house.

Maybe I should try it again. I kinda missed playing it.

Skylars POV

I'm sitting on my bed Crying. Not in the bad way. The I'm watching the saddest movie of all time crying. I am currently watching 'The fault in our stars' devouring my popcorn wrapped in a blanket in the dark crying. " WERE PERFECT FOR EACH-OTHER" I yelled at the TV. The end credits roll down my small tv on my wall. I turn it off, and walk over to my window that is open because I was too hot. Wanting to take a nap I close my window.

Right before it closes I hear something. A very quiet something outside. I open my window more and open my curtain. I look around and see Shawn. He's in his room. Sitting calmly on his bed strumming a guitar. I didn't know he could play the guitar. It was beautiful, he's very good at it. And before I walk to my bathroom to pee I hear it.

My mouth hangs open and I quickly turn around and stare down at his window again.

He sang "I watch your troubled eyes as you rest
And I fall in love with every breath
Wonder if those eyes are really shut
And am I the one you're dreaming of
'Cause underneath the darkness
There's a light that trying so hard to be seen
And I know this, cause I'm noticed,
A little bit shining through the seams.

And if this is what it takes
Then let me be the one to bare the pain
Oh if this is what it takes
I'll break down these walls that are in our way
If this is what it takes" he strummed the guitar and stopped to write something down in his notebook.

He bites his pencil and he looks around thinking hard. But then he sees me. Crap.

I quickly close my curtain and just stand there hoping he didn't see me staring.

*ding ding* my phone makes a sound that I just got a text. It's probably just my mom making are I'm ok. I walk over to my phone, i click the on button and see what it says. I widen my eyes and drop my phone, and fall on my bed embarrassed.

It said.

I saw you looking through the window. I'm coming over.

Well well well. I know I said it would probably be a week. But I had a big idea so I wanted so write and I guess I just kept going...
THANKYOU FOR 260 reads guys!!!!
I'm a little stuck on where to go with this🤷🏼‍♀️ so if you guys have any ideas comment down below👇🏻 AGAIN THANKYOU!!!!
1060 words

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