Chapter 12

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Shawns POV
A/n: smh👆🏻

I went home about an hour later. I showed her some of my songs that I wrote and she said she really loved them. But, she doesn't know something about that. Yet.

I walk inside my house with Aaliyah waiting to go to hockey. "Shawn, can you take Aaliyah to hockey?" My Dad asks. I haven't really been spending a lot of time with her. I mean obviously she's my sister and I love her but I've just been busy with school. "Sure" I grab my keys off the hook and walk outside with Aaliyah already in the Jeep.

I get in, start the car, and start driving down the road. When it's nothing but the sound of the car aaliyah says something. "So, I heard you singing today" she looks at me "I haven't heard you do that in a while. It sounded good". "Thanks" I reply. Where did my sassy attitude sister go? We usually don't talk a lot.

"And I also heard that Skylar saw you" she giggled. "What's so funny?" I wonder. "You're blushing. You like her don't you?" She looks at me and sees my cheeks turn even brighter. "YES! I finally have the chances of getting a sister!" She says loud. I stop as a red street light and look at her. "What about me, I mean I am you're brother. That you love very much". "Nah, a girl would be better" she looks straight ahead again. "So what do you think that the chances are so much higher now? I mean I have had a girlfriend before" I see the light turns green and I turn into the parking lot of the hockey arena. I park the car. She takes a deep breath and looks at me like I'm stupid. "Shawn..." she puts a hand on my shoulder. "I've seen the way you look at her, and that's not a friendly way to look at someone. So if you really like her. Go for it" she looks at me for a little longer and turns to get out of the car. "If you need help with girl problems, just ask me. I mean I am you're sister" she giggles saying what I said in the car earlier. She then grabs her big hockey bag from the trunk and walks in the doors of the arena.

Going on my phone before leaving I call Matt. He picks up and says "hello?".
"Can I come over?" I ask. "Yeah, I was just about to call you to hang out" He says through the phone. "Ok. I need to talk to you about some things" I say. I just need someone to talk to.

I start the car and drive out of the parking lot to Matt's house. He doesn't live too far from me, and I don't know who else I would go to. I get on Matt's street and pull in his driveway. Turn the ignition and walk to his door. His door is always unlocked, so most of the time I just walk in.

"Matt?" I yell up the stairs. He must be home alone. His parents work in the day and get back rally late at night. So he is usually by himself. "Come upstairs! I'm in my room" I hear him yell. I walk up the stairs and push open his door seeing him on his bed on his phone. "Hey!" He smiles.

"Hi" I say back. "So what did you want to tell me?" He smirks. I already told him at school that I may have a tiny crush on Skylar. But I didn't think he would remember that. "Stop looking at me like that" I groan. He isn't helping. "You really like her don't you?" He says now acting at least a little bit serious.

"I forgot how liking someone could be so difficult" I sit down on his bed next to him and take a deep, long breath.

"I know. You would always talk about it with Lauren" he says quietly. He knows thy I don't really like that subject.


I love California. Its beaches. It's warmth. It's everything. And I have to leave it.

But the hardest thing I have to do is what I'm about to do right now. I've only been in about one relationship before this that lasted about a month. But I'm moving to a different country, thousands of miles away. And I'm in a 2 year relationship with someone I have massive feelings for. I am currently in my car about to drive to my girlfriends house. She doesn't know yet. I have just haven't found the right time.

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