Chapter 12 - Punishment

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There was no room for argument.

Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me out of our quarters, despite me looking a mess with tears streaking down my cheeks and pieces of hair stuck to my face. He was serious. We were really going to find the girls right now.

I honestly worried for those girls. I didn't like them at all – they were cruel, but I had a feeling whatever punishment Dean had planned, was ten times more cruel than they could ever imagine.

"Can't we just go home and pretend this didn't happen?" I blubbered out as Dean hastily led me down the staircase.

"They will answer for their actions, Audrey!" Dean growled loudly, not caring who was nearby.

"I don't even know where they'd be!" I whimpered.

"I'm the Alpha of this pack. I'll have no problem finding out."

I swallowed hard. Dean was determined. He was seeing red, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I wanted to believe that these bratty girls deserved whatever was coming for them, but I just couldn't force myself to. Dean had already shown me once before that he didn't take disrespect lightly. He chained my father with silver just for looking at me the wrong way.

Once we made it down to the main level, Dean began to pull aside any pack member he encountered, questioning them about knowing any young girls named Claire or Jessica. I wanted to mention that there were three of them, and that one of them hadn't even been all that terrible, but I knew it wouldn't matter at this point.

Several pack members later, Dean was sure he had the answers to who the girls were, and I would be the one to identify them. His grip on my wrist remained steady as he pulled me back upstairs to the second floor, where the personal quarters for pack members resided.

Once we got up the stairs, Dean pulled me down the hallway to our right and began scanning the room numbers as we passed by. Once he was satisfied that we'd come to the first girl's home, he brought us to a halt before pounding on the door.

It wasn't the knock of a welcomed visitor by any means. The sound of Dean's fist pounding on the wood of the door meant serious business, and it was likely that the residents inside already knew something was wrong before they knew who was at the door.

The door slowly opened, revealing a middle-aged couple who appeared, seeming to be a fairly average family for the Dark Root pack. They shared dark brown hair and amber-toned hazel eyes, which were now filled with worry.

"A-Alpha," the man spoke, stepping in front of his mate and trying to suppress the stutter that his nervousness brought. "And Luna," he quickly added, bowing his head slightly.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" the man asked, trying to make the situation seem like an honor, despite the fact that he knew that this visit wouldn't bring good news. The Alpha of Dark Root didn't make house calls. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that Dean had rarely ever set foot on the second floor.

"We need to speak with your daughter, Claire," Dean stated sternly.

The man's eye's widened and his mate's grip on his arm seemed to tighten.

"Yes Alpha, certainly," he replied, not daring to question his Alpha.

"Claire!" the woman yelled, calling her daughter to come to the door. I didn't miss the shakiness in her voice.

"What mother?" the young woman asked, sounding annoyed as she rounded the corner out of the hallway and approached her parents.

When her eyes landed on Dean, she froze and fell to her knees, bowing her head in submission. Nothing needed to be said. She already knew.

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