Chapter 1 - The deal

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Original date posted: October 7th 2017
Updated: December 24th 2018

In a tree, in a forest, sat an angel. Enjoying the sunny day, the cool breeze going through his hair and minty green coloured feathers. He wore a light green hoodie, as he always did. The smell of cola lingering on the hoodie. He laid there, eyes closed, and just enjoying death. Death? Life-death? Life of death? He was enjoying his time.

Then suddenly, there was movement in the bushes. The angel sat up and looked in the direction of the noise, wings wide open. Just in case if he needed to fly away, or fight. Then out of the bushes, popped out a mortal. The green angel calmed down and folded his wings. Then he started studying the human. Wearing a lot of blue, spiky brown hair, seemed like your average human. Then he noticed the blue human had no eyes! Or maybe they're just black. Either way, it was odd. The human seemed panicked. "What's wrong, little human?" The green boy asked. But he knew he wasn't gonna get an answer. Then the human started mumbling things, the angel decided to go a little closer.

He walked around the human. Since, being an angel, he had the power to be invisible to the human eye. "Hmm... he's looking around. Worried. Someone is most likely chasing him." There was a snap. Like someone just stepped on a stick. Both the human and the angel looked in the same direction. Something started making the angel feel light headed. "Oh no..." He quickly bolted into the trees. "Get out of there, random blue human!" Something started coming out of the bushes, where the stick broke. It looked like a "Demon..." The green one mumbled. It had dark red eyes, bat like wings, horns, sharp claws, and lizard like tail. It also seemed to be wearing dark ripped up clothing. It smiled revealing it's sharp teeth.

"Leaving so soon..?" It seemed to be asking the poor human. The human tried to run but tripped on a root by a tree.

"S-stay back!" The human stuttered. "Or I'll-"

"Or what? Your gonna kill me?" The human started shaking. The demon just laughed. It leaned closer. "Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm already dead. I'd like to see you try to get rid of me" Then the human fainted. "Well, that was fun! Good job Tord, you scarred another person for life! You also may have killed their friend, but oh well." It was talking to itself.

So... I guess his name is... Tord..? The angel questioned. Wait... did he say that he killed a human?! He can't do that! He doesn't look like the type of demon to take lives, only scare... Then, the angel came out from the trees. "Hey you!" Tord looked at him. He turned into a less frightening form. His horns now hidden in his hair and teeth less sharp.

"Oh look, it's an angel. Oh I'm soooo scared!" Tord said sarcastically, laughing. "Listen hun, you leave me be with this mortal, and neither of us have to get in trouble. Alright?" He said, not looking impressed.

"No. You just broke one of your laws! You killed a mortal! I heard what you said, I also saw that little thing you did to that poor human! I'm pretty sure you're NOT allowed to show yourself to humans. Only either for a few seconds, or a few times in dreams!"

"Pffft what do you know about demon laws?" Tord snickered. Then the angel noticed he had an Norwegian accent.

"I studied them, and I sort of have a friend who knows that stuff. But don't think you'll get out of this unpunished!" The green angel explained.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyways, what's your name?" Tord asked out of the blue. He didn't seem to care.

The green boy raised an eyebrow, but answered anyway, "Edd..."

Tord walked a little closer, since Edd was still about 8 feet away from him. Now 4 feet. "So, Edd, how about you just forget about this and let a demon go?"

Edd started to feel light headed, again. Angels aren't supposed to be this close to demons. "No"

"Aw come on!"


"What do I have to do to make you not say anything?" Tord asked, crossing his arms.

Edd thought for a moment. "How about... I watch you for about... a week and if you don't break any laws, I don't tell."

Tord growled, "No way! I'm a powerful demon! I could make you dissappear, y'know!"

Edd raised an eyebrow "Funny. Because I can do the same to you"

Tord thought for a moment then sighed, "Fine. Only a week. Then we pretend we never met" He didn't want to get into a big fight with an angel.

"Sounds like a plan." Suddenly Tord stretched his arm forward. Edd just looked at it. If just being near him makes me light headed, then what will touching him do?

"You gonna shake it or what?" The demon asked getting inpatient.

"Oh, umm... I don't think-"

"Oh yeah, right.." The demon interrupted, he lowered his arm.

"Well, I guess you're my guardian angel now?" Tord sighed

"Um... I suppose so..?"

Feathers and scales - TordEddDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora