Chapter 10 Everything is missing

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They were still sitting by the tree, watching everything go by, they haven't spoken in awhile.
Maybe that was a good thing.

Tord regretted giving Tom his powers, who knows what he could be doing! Thank goodness he can't access The Demon World.
What could he possibly be doing? Why did he need those powers so badly?

Edd sat there holding a leaf, staring at it. He must be thinking of something. Tord thought.
The green angel glanced at Tord, then back at the leaf. Whatever he was thinking about, it involved him. Tord heard a sigh come from Edd.

Edd put the leaf on the ground, the wind soon swept it away.

Something felt different in Tord. He felt less cold, physically and emotionally. Maybe because he's more mortal than demon now. He then suddenly felt something warm on his hand, he flinched and looked to see Edd's hand on his. He blushed and looked away. Must've been a mistake! He pit his hand on mine by accident! He waited for Edd to take his hand off. But he didn't.

But Tord didn't mind.

"I don't feel anything" Edd said out of the blue.

Tord looked at Edd with confusion, "What?"

Edd looked at Tord and took his hand off. "I don't feel sick... well, I shouldn't, since I took my potion today but... the sickness is still kinda there..." He paused "What happened, Tord? And don't lie like you always do! Tell me the truth!" Edd's wings widened, as if he was ready to fly off.

Tord sighed, "I gave my powers to Tom..."

Edd looked shocked, "What? You...- why?" That, he could not tell.

"Edd, I can't tell you reason right now but-... maybe it's for the best..." Tord said unsure what to tell the Green Bird.

Green Bird was confused "Tord, for whatever reason that might be, you CANNOT give a mortal your powers! For more than one reason! And what do you mean this is for the best?"

"Well, just think of it, I won't hurt you anymore... you won't have to take those silly potions everyday... and I won't be alone..." As a mortal, Tord seemed to actually feel more things. Before, he could just ignore his emotions. He didn't need them. he was a demon. But he's more mortal now, he can't really hide emotions anymore.

"Is that how you felt, Tord? Alone? I always thought you were okay with it..." Edd felt bad for Tord, he didn't want anyone to feel alone. No one should.

"I was, until I met you" Tord smiled. Edd seemed a bit confused. "Not until you came I realized how lonely and pathetic my life was. You... changed it for the better, Green Bird"

Edd chuckled, "You're not Tord! The Tord I know wouldn't be this sappy!" Tord had a little laugh.

"Well, I'm not fully a demon anymore..." Just Tord smiled, he really was Just Tord. Not Tord the demon, Just Tord. Something felt nice about that, he could restart his life again. Maybe even this time he won't end up a demon.

Tord felt something dripping from his nose, he felt it to see blood on his hand. "Are you alright, Tord? Your nose is bleeding..." Edd asked with concern.

"Hm, must be one of the side effects... or something..." Tord tried to get up, but once he stood up he feel right down again. He felt sore once more. "Ow..."

"Tord, I don't think you should move too much. Your soul needs to get used to being a mortal again"

Being the stubborn person he is, Tord tried getting up again. But failed. Edd just sighed.
"Well, I guess you're right..." Said Tord with defeat.

A hour passed and Tord fell asleep, he couldn't help it. His body was way too over tired.
He soon was in a dream.

Tord woke up in a bed in this very broken down room. Probably a abandoned house. Light shined through the window onto his face. He sat up and looked around his surroundings. Why do I recognize this place? He wondered. Tord found a phone on the bedside, it read 1:54 pm "Shoot, it's that late?" He whispered yelled to himself. He didn't know why he said that, or in the tone, he just did.

Tord looked on the other side of the bed, there seemed to be someone underneath the covers. He didn't feel the need to know who it was, for some reason. It felt like he was just a spectator in his own body. Maybe this was more of a memory than a dream, he didn't know. But why now? He asked to himself.

He got up from the bed, and grabbed his phone from the bedside then grabbed a big black bag. Only one single thing was in it. He was about to head out but then he hesitated. Tord looked back at the person under the covers. Deciding either he should leave or stay.
He chose leave.

Tord jolted up from his slumber with a gasp. Soon regretting it from the pain.

"Tord? You alright?" Asked Edd with concern. "Sorry if I woke you..."

"I'm fine..." Tord then leaned back to feel Edd's wing. He wasn't sure what to think of that. Honestly, he wasn't sure what to think of what just happened either.

Tord started to think if he should tell Edd about his weird dream experience.

Probably not.

It'd be too

"Also sorry if this is weird..." Edd's voice broke his thought. Tord no longer felt Edd's wing behind him. Just the cold hard tree.

"What is?" Tord asked looking at the angel.

"All of this..." the angel paused "Nothing really happened in the days we were together... we just... had fun. Which was fun, but... maybe I expected something else to happen."

"Like what?"

The green angel hesitated, not knowing what to say. There's a thousand different things to say. Yet, he chose to say this, "Something other than feathers and scales. Listen, Tord, it's been really fun, I mean, REALLY fun hanging out with you but-" Tord held his breathe, waiting for Edd to continue.

"Maybe this should only last the end of the week, like we agreed."

Tord was shocked to hear this. "Wh-...what?"

Edd looked the opposite direction of Tord, "I'm sorry but, how is this supposed to last? I'm an angel and you're a demon... well, part demon now but the point still stands. We aren't meant to be, that's why we were separated in the first place, that's why the rules are in place. So this wouldn't happen... so no one gets hurt." Edd hugged his arms and his wings surrounded him.

"I can't keep taking potions forever, Tord..."

"B-but... Edd- GreenBird... we can make this work! I can make this work! I will kill the whole town if I have to!" Tord grabbed Edd's shoulder, Edd turned around with his eyes tearing up.

"That's another reason, Tord. We're too different, you can kill someone without hesitation and I can't even hurt a fly! I know you like me, It's not hard to tell." Tears started rolling down his face but he kept a serious face and continued, "But how is this going to end? With me loosing my wings and never seeing Matt again? I don't want that Tord, neither do you." The angel held the once demon's hand.

The demon was heartbroken. Why can't things be prefect like in fairytales? There was nothing Tord could do to stop this. It had to happen someday.

Edd eventually got up, and spread his wings.
"M-maybe in one place... another time... things were different... I'm sorry... Just Tord. I'm cutting this week short, but l-let's keep our promise to act like this never happened. Just forget about me, okay?" There was no response from Tord. Then the angel left the demon alone on the ground.

Tears went down Tord's face, the one time he let his emotions get the better of him it all comes crashing down. He lost everything that night, and I'm not just talking about his powers.

A minty green feather slowly landed in front of Tord. He picked it up with care, and stared at it.
Was this truly the end?

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