Chapter 9 It's Just Tord now

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Day 4

Once Edd woke up, (because angels sleep) he noticed that there where two black feathers on his wing. He quickly plucked them off and hid the black feathers under some drawing paper with little doodles that were left on his desk. He didn't want Matt to know that there were more, he didn't want to get him more worried than he already is.

Green Bird walked down the stairs to notice that Matt wasn't in the house. He looked at the coffee table to see a note. It said,

Edd, I've gone to get more supplies for my potions. If you're going to see Todd (or Tord, whatever his name is),

Edd chuckled then continued

you might want to drink the potion that's beside this letter.

He glanced beside where the letter was placed and saw it. Looked the same as the others he took.

I should be back before you get home. Have fun and stay safe!
Don't do anything stupid.

Once he finished reading, he drank the potion quickly then made it out the door.

Tord was pacing around thinking. He's been doing this for awhile now, there's practically a hole in the ground! He thought, What am I doing? Why was I so jealous of Tom? He's just a stupid mortal after all... he stopped and paused. Do I like Edd? Tord shook his head in disbelief. "No that's impossible! He's a angel and I'm a demon. We're not meant to be... plus it's only been 4 days! Who falls in love in 4 days?!" Tord accidentally yelled out loud.

Then a voice replied, "Apparently you do"

Tord turned around to see the one mortal he disliked the most.
He was leaning against a tree.
He had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Why are you here, didn't you hear my threat?" Tord growled

"Oh, of course I did" Tom walked closer to Tord. "But then I thought, 'why would a demon be so protective of an angel?'"

"How do you know that he's a-"

"I put a few things together. Then I remembered, I heard you two make a deal. So, if you hurt me or even kill me, Edd would automatically dislike you. Even hate you. You wouldn't that to happen, right?"

Tord was silent for a few moments. Annoyed with the human. "...Right... but that doesn't answer why you're here"

"Well, I figured since you like Edd so much you wouldn't mind me staying"

Tord crossed his arms and growled. "No way! The way that Edd looks at no, not a chance!"

"Okay, then how would you feel if we make a deal?"

Tord raised an eyebrow "What kind of deal?"

"How about, if you give me your demon powers-"

Tord instantly cut Tom off "What?! Never in a million years!"

Tom then turned away and said, "Oh well, it would be a shame if... let's just say... a certain someone from the demon world found out you're not only hanging out with a angel, but actually liking one? Man, that would suck. Just imagine what would happen to you, or even Edd..."

Tord had a bit of worry go through him, but then he thought, He's just a mortal, he doesn't know how to go to the demon world

"You're probably wondering how I can do that..." Tom added.

"Yes, actually... I am," Tord answered.

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