Chapter 16 The ending no one wanted

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4 months later

Tord sat on a tree, it died as soon as he touched it, as always.
Matt was on a tree also, but away from Tord.

"How's Edd?" Matt asked. "You still haven't told me anything about how he's doing yet"

"He..." Tord tried to say that he was fine, but he wasn't. Tord sighed, might as well tell him the truth. "He's not fine. Something went wrong in the process from angel to demon and..." Tord chocked on his words, but continued. "-He lost his old memories, and has a hard time remembering events from a few days before. I'm pretty sure he has some kind of memory loss. Edd also... has a hard time expressing emotions, but that might be just being a demon." Matt listened, waiting if Tord wanted to continue. "He can't fly either... every time he tries to do so, he just falls back onto the ground" Tord looked down at the dead tree sadly.

"Where is he staying? Is he on his down or?"

"He lives with me... I got too worried about what might happen to him the first month. So he's with me now. I didn't want him to get hurt by the other demons because of... everything..."

Matt sighed, "You should have told me sooner"

"I know..."

"I also have another question..." Tord looked up at Matt and waited for him to ask it. "What happened to Tom?"

"Excuse me?"

"You said he died, so is he demon or what? Because I never got to see him in the angel world. His brother misses him, Tord. At least tell me if he's a demon or not so I have something to tell his brother"

"Um..." Guilt rushed into Tord, Tom is in purgatory because of him. His brother will never see him again. "He's... in purgatory..."

"What?! What did you even do, Tord?" Matt was mad, or maybe shocked. Probably both.

"He got sent to purgatory when he turned back into a human! It isn't my fault!"

"Yes, it is! This is all your fault, Tord! If you just stayed with Edd and not gotten yourself killed by robbing that bank, none of this would have happened!"

"How do you know that?" Tord asked surprised by the information Matt has.

"What? Did you really think Edd wouldn't have told me? He's not the best at lying you know"

"You mean was"

"Why should I use was? He hasn't disappeared-"

"Well it feels like he has!" Tord yelled out, Matt went silent but you could tell he was still mad. "You don't understand how it feels to see someone you love everyday and tell you that they have no idea who you are. You don't know how it feels to have all these memories of him and feel like they don't matter anymore..." Tord held his sadness in, he didn't want to cry in front of Matt. He didn't want to seem like a sap.

"How do you think I feel?! You think that I don't know how you feel?! Well guess what? You weren't the only one who knew Edd here, demon!" Matt yelled back at Tord. "I'm leaving, and if you think you're the only one who feels guilty, think about how I feel. I gave him the potions so he could feel better, but I couldn't stop the black feathers. I thought I could but-" Matt stopped himself. "Goodbye, demon" Matt flew off without looking back.

Tord sighed and climbed down the tree, once down on the ground, he looked around and smiled. Remembering the time Edd and him met, when they were dead. But he knew he couldn't stay here, Edd was still down there, who knows what he is doing now. Tord opened up his wings, flew up, opened a portal, then went through.

Tord flew above the demon world, scanning for his house. Once found, he landed at the front door and went in. "Edd?" He called out "I'm home!" Tord looked around for the ex angel. Edd popped his head around the corner of the kitchen.

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