Chapter 2 - Angel powers

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Original date posted: Between October and November
Updated: December 24th 2018

"Sooo... what do we do with the mortal?" Tord looked down at the fainted human.

"We... erase his memory? Or, we just send him home in his bed and make it seem like a dream!" Edd suggested.

"Or we can just kill him."


"I was joking... jeez... angels don't have much of a sense of humor." Tord crossed his arms.

"We do have humor! Just not about killing humans..." Edd defended.

"Whatever, if we DO go with your plan, then how will be remember where he lives?" Tord asked.

"Oh! Pfftt  that's easy! Watch and learn, demon." Edd moved closer to the human, and sat down in front of him. Edd looked back at Tord and said, "Go hide, we wouldn't want him to freak out. No offense."

Tord rolled his eyes, "Fine..." He went and hid in a bush.

Edd looked back at the human. He started waking up. He groaned, "Ahh... my head..." He opened his eyes fully, he was startled by the figure in front of him.

"Hello! Are you okay? Looked like you hit your head pretty hard..." Edd patted his head and smiled.

"I- umm... I'm fine... who are you? Where am i..?" 

"The name's Edd! And you're in the middle of the forest. I think you were going for a walk, then you tripped and hit your head. That's what I saw, anyway." Edd 'explained' what happened.

"Oh... right..."

"Let me help you up." Edd stood up and lifted the human up. "I never caught your name." Edd said to him.

"Thomas, but just call me Tom."

"Well, Tom... how about I walk you home? Wouldn't want you to trip and fall again! Haha..."

"Haha, right... sure..."

Tord watched in the background. Why isn't he questioning Edd's wings? Or halo? He CAN see them... right..? Now they're walking away! Man, I should pay more attention... Tord started following them in the background. I wonder what they're talking about... Edd started laughing. Why is he laughing? What's so funny? He's probably faking that laugh, because it was a stupid joke. Mortals are stupid.

"You're pretty cool, Edd. Want to hang out sometime?" Don't you dare say you will-

"Sure!" Damnit

Edd and Tom soon made it into town. "I suggest once you go home, try and get an doctor's appointment. Also maybe get a friend or something to look after you. Just in case that head injury gets worse." Edd said to Tom. He nodded.

"Right... anyway, when will I see you again?" Asked Tom.

"I spend most of my time in the forest. If you want to see me again, I'm most likely there." Edd said putting his hands in his pockets. Tom looked away for only a moment, and once he looked back, Edd was gone.

The angel flew over where the demon was hiding. "Okay, where ya headed?"

"Actually, I have many questions..." Tord was slightly confused.

"Ask them then."

"First, why couldn't he see your wings? Second, how did he forget what happened to him that easily? Surely I would've left a mark on him."

Edd chuckled. "You underestimate the power of angels. When he woke up and I patted his head, I put a spell on him that made him think I was a human. I also erased his memory of what happened before he fainted." The green angel explained.

Amazing...- THAT IT WORKRED. Haha... forget I said that... Tord thought to himself. "Pfft... I could do better..." He crossed his arms and looked away. Edd raised an eyebrow

"Oh yeah? What would've you done? Haunt him 'till his heart gave up? Take over his body? Please do tell."

Tord hesitated before answering, "Well... it would've been something different, that's for sure..." He couldn't think of anything on the spot.

Edd rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure..."

"So, uh... let's get to know each other, shall we? What did you want to do in your mortal life?" Tord asked.

"I- umm... actually don't remember... but it's okay though! At least I don't have any regret!" Answered Edd.

"Oh... I see..." That was all that Tord said.

"What about you?" Edd asked.

"It's pretty fuzzy. All I remember is, shooting a few people, killing a few cops, and running out of a bank then getting shot. And here I am 5 years later."

"So you were a criminal, then?" Asked Edd.

"I guess. Pretty fitting I'd be a demon, there's no doubt I was a horrible person" Tord answered. Why am I telling an angel this?

There was silence for a brief moment.

"So, are you going to forbid me from going to the underworld or..?" Tord asked "Since you can't follow me"

"I mean, I COULD follow you but I don't feel like getting caught and my soul disappearing" Edd said with a chuckle.

"Who says you'll get caught?" Tord said with a smirk.

Edd hesitated before saying, "I still don't want to risk it."

"Whatever you say, angel..." Tord laid back onto a tree.

Feathers and scales - TordEddTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang