Chapter 7 Games

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They entered the small town. It wasn't that small, though. Population: 3,549 people. The town was called; Town Town. Because people (aka the author) are bad at naming things.

People were roaming the streets, doing their own thing. Edd and Tord searched for a place to go do something, while avoiding any interaction with anybody. Edd was practically dragging Tord around while he was walking past building to building. Until they saw a building that caught their attention.

"Hey Just Tord! Want to go in there?"

"Using the nicknane now, huh? A arcade? I honestly thought they'd be gone by now..." Tord put his hands in his pockets while Edd looked through the big window.

"There's actually quite a few people in there!" Said Edd. Tord went next to Edd and looked through also. There wasn't that many, but there was still a few. "I wonder if Tom likes the arcade..." Edd mumbled to himself. Tord looked at Edd confused.

"Who's Tom?"

Edd looked at Tord, with a small smile on his face "Remember? The human that you scared so badly?"

"Oh right, the blue guy. Why would you even take even a moment to think about him? He's just a human..." Tord obviously has hateful feelings towards humans, it's pretty clear now. He seems to hate Tom a little more, though. Edd wonders why. "Anyways, let's go in. I bet i could beat you in any game, just like that." Tord snapped his fingers.

"I'm not too sure of that, I'm pretty sure I will beat you in ALL the games!"

"Oh yeah? Then it's a bet! If I win, in any game you choose, I get to torment any human I want for a day!"

"And if I win, you have to hang out with Tom for a day!"

"... Will you be with us?"

"Well, yeah. Anyways, let's go!" Edd pulled Tord into the building and quickly looked around for a game. "When I was mortal I would sometimes come to the arcade and play some games, I don't remember how long ago that was though. I barely remember anything about being human!" He sounded a bit too cheerful when he said that. Possibly faking it. Edd went in front of a game. It was a racing game. "How about this one?"

"May not be MY kind of game, but you're are gonna loose, Green Bird!" Tord said smiling

"We'll see about that" Edd put 50 cents into the coin slot and sat in one of the two driving seats. "Don't ask where I got the 50 cents" Tord sat in the other fake car seat, then the game started.

After many games, and rematch after rematch, Edd won. "Told ya I would beat you! Now, all we need to do is find Tom and set up some plans for tomorrow!" Tord groaned and they started walking outside, a cold breeze blew over their faces. It seemed to be around late afternoon. "I didn't notice how hot it was in there..." Edd commented. He started looking around for no reason then said, "Hey! There's Tom! How convenient!" He ran across the road over to the human, with Tord trailing behind.

"Hey Tom!" Edd greeted, Tom seemed surprised to see him.

"Oh, hey Edd. Nice to see you..? Heh... didn't you say you lived in the forest or something?"

"I said I spend most of my time there"

"Oh, right" Tord was standing behind Edd, very oddly close. He gave Tom this look that made him very uncomfortable. "So who's this?" Tom pointed to Tord

Edd looked behind him, he was startled for a moment by how close he was. "Oh! He's Just Tord"
It took a moment for Tord to realize what Edd just did there.

"Hi" Tord didn't sound pleased to meet Tom.

"Hey" Neither did he

"So, Tom... I was thinking maybe we should all hang out tomorrow! If you want to..." Edd sounded a bit nervous. Tord questioned why, He's just a stupid human he thought.

Tom answered quickly, "Sure! What time?" Edd glanced at Tord and he glance back. They didn't exactly have a watch on them. Or a clock.

"Um... this might sound weird but... we don't have a clock. How about we just meet here sometime in the afternoon?" Suggested Edd

"Oh, okay sure" Tom looked at his watch "I gotta get going, see you tomorrow, Edd!"

"Bye!" They waved goodbye and the human left. "You don't like him, do you?" Edd asked as soon Tom got out of hearing radius.

"Not one bit"

"Then TOMorrow is gonna be hell for you" Edd had a wide smile on his face and made finger guns.

Tord just sighed "Damnit Edd"

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