Chapter 2: Attention

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*Jaeyeon's POV*

It's the first day back and everything has gone super well. I've taken Psychology, Chemistry, Biology, Math, and English this year. I have mostly great teachers and most of my friends have same classes with me. I'm even thinking of joining our school's community service club.

I had two English periods in a row today. I loved it. Partially because it was hilarious seeing Hoseok fall asleep in class. Next period is Math. I am looking forward to this, after all, I've come first for mathematics every school year.

Yoongi and Jungkook accompany me to the 4th floor of the math block.

"Jaeyeon-ah you're going to set the standard so high this year" Jungkook whines.

"Yeah, it's going to be impossible to catch up with you" Yoongi complains.

"Aish anyone could be good at math, you just need to practice" I assure them.

"But you know how lazy kookie is" Jungkook pouts. "Oh, by the way, have you heard? Everyone is talking about you." He says randomly

"WHO ME? WHY?" Panic surged through me.

"Yeah everyone's talking about you. Saying you're very pretty and you have great fashion sense also saying you're cool by taking that internship in Switzerland."

I didn't know what to feel.

"Aghghgh seriously? It's only been 2 hours into the new school year and people are talking about me?"

"Tsk tsk yeahhhhhh, you really are something special" Yoongi nudges my arm.

"Uggg stop. Nooo, I don't want to be talked about like that amongst everyone!"

Lisa runs and scares me from the back "Omg Jayeon-ah you're like the IT GIRL now everyone loves you"

So that explains the stares students were giving me this morning.

"Yeah Lisa is right. Thanks to all this talk, all the boys were checking you out by the lockers, even Leehyun!" Jungkook nods in agreement.

Leehyun is one of the most popular guys in the school. Besides BTS of course.

"UGH! I really couldn't care less! I just want to do some math."

I enter the classroom and start mingling with some of my classmates before class starts. Girls scramble over to where Jungkook and Yoongi are sitting. 4 popular guys come out of nowhere to ask about my internship. How will I ever get used to this?

In that moment Jimin and Taehyung walked into class confidently. Great, just what I needed, more attention. They both come to my desk. The girls give me envious glares.

"YO Jaeyeon!" Jimin roars. He beats his chest and pulls a chair next to me. "Everyone is talking about you!"

The 4 popular guys start straightening up in front of Jimin and Taehyung. I grow redder by the second.

Jimin starts to blabber about the list of guys in the school that are interested in me. It's annoying but damn he looks good in his uniform. I can't help but fire quick looks at Taehyung he is just stood there listening to Jimin's list. He looks down the whole time and doesn't say a word.

"Aishh this list doesn't matter anymore, every guy wants to be with you." Jimin retorts. The 4 guys around me shuffle awkwardly. I can almost see Taehyung biting his lip.

"TAEHYUNG!" Sonya's voice rings out. She's in my class too? Finally that awkward conversation with Jimin has ended. 2 other girls take this chance to try and drag Jimin away from me.

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