Chapter 13: Give Me A Reason

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*Jaeyeon's POV*

I walk to coffee store where I am supposed to be meet Jinwoo. But I am no where near excited about the date or seeing him. I am plainly doing it because Lisa said so... I always do things because people say so... Why can't I ever do things for myself? Why am I so... shallow? Why am I such a push over?

Sonya's words echo in my head. I gather my thoughts in my head. Sonya definitely has no idea about the math tutoring, otherwise she would have stopped me ages ago. Are they even dating? What is Sonya's relationship with Taehyung?

The thought of Taehyung triggers the scene of the math lesson with Taehyung to replay in my head. His eagerness to learn, his smile all suddenly replaced with fear. I try to make connections and I gasp. The text! The missed calls on Taehyung's phone! Could do bruise have something to with this? I remember how we exchanged glances just before I left the house.

We stared as if we were too changed people. A single truth was out, Taehyung could do nothing to hide it, from me at least. How much do others know about this? But something told me, that I was the only one who actually saw the bruise in person.

A part of me actually considers Sonya's threat. Maybe she is right. Maybe it is best for me to stay away from him. To forget all the stares, all the lip bites, all the flirting he has done. Just say all of that was a joke, I am just another one of short-term sources of entertainment. I mean Taehyung must have flirted with me the exact same way with me with 1000 other girls.

It is all just a joke and there is no point in involving myself. Jaeyeon just drop it!

But obviously... Even if I was just another hookup, I still had the giddy feelings. With the way he looked at me and the secrets he was keeping. I realised no matter how much I could try to get away from it. There was just once conclusion to be drawn.

I was literally dying to know more. And no threat from anyone could stop me, no matter how scary.

Before I know it I have made it to the coffee shop. I prepare myself to put on my best fake "I totally still have a crush on you and am totally interested in seeing you again" smile.

I walk into the shop and I scan the room. I can't find him.

I pace the whole cafe three times. Still no sign.

Yes! I can forget about this stupid arranged date and go home!!!


Great. Perfect. How lovely.

I turn around to where my name is called. As soon as I see his face, I am no longer annoyed.

Talk about a makeover. He must have put on at least 3 inches of arm muscle over the 2 years. He is well built and gives off a very masculine vibe. I remember why I used to crush on him in middle school.

"Wow it's been a while." He says.


We immediately kick it off and update each other on all kinds of things. I no longer needed to put on a fake smile. I was genuinely interested and found him so easy to talk to. I learn he goes to the high school, just a few miles away from ours.

By the end of our date. I realise it's already 11:45pm. Although he did most of the talking, actually all of it. He is studying law and is captain of the basketball team.Talk about the perfect guy. He is good-looking, a straight A student, fit, muscular and has the perfect personality to match. He offers to drive me back to the dorm and surprises me with some flowers. What a gentleman.

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