Chapter 11: Please Don't Tell

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*Jaeyeon's POV*

We turn around to the lower ground corridor into the work room. Taehyung still limping and is trying to hide wincing like before. Eventhough I promise I wouldn't mention it, I do so as it becomes stressful to see him in pain.

"Dance training is pretty tough huh..."

I can almost hear him sucking his breath. He nods and clears his throat.

"Y-yeah it's a big dance competition" he says nervously. Then randomly becomes flirty again. "Which you have to go to." He smiles.

We enter the room and sit down side by side near the table. Taehyung watches me silently as I set my math books and stationary on the table.

"Is Kara alright?" He refers back to the incident from earlier. He stares at me, but I'm too nervous to look him in the eyes. So I just look down.

"I don't know... Lisa said it was best to not talk to her about it." Taehyung seems irritated at the mention of Lisa's name.


I quickly change the topic. As I put on my big reading glasses on. I flip my long, wavy hair back, and slowly tie it into a pony tail. I don't realize that I am wearing a low cut shirt until I have tied my hair back. From the corner of my eye, Taehyung is staring at my bare neck. I feel slightly uncomfortable and shift in my seat.

I look at Taehyung and as if he switched off his mysterious mode again, he is stares at me with a cute smile, he props his elbows on the table and leans his head on his hands.

"Alright, should we start with Differential Equations?" I manage out.

He nods cutely and my insides melt. He probably has no idea what that topic even means. For a moment I question how he has earned the look of a fuck boy. But then I remember his mysterious side and I question no longer.

I begin explaining the role of functions, but I keep stuttering because he keeps staring at my eyes. Do I have eye boogers or something.

Only a few minutes into my introduction. He interrupts, "has anyone told you that you look beautiful with glasses on?" He grins. The way the word beautiful rolls out of his lips is enough to make a girl cry.

"Yah! Focus!" I turn red.

"Sorry! Stop being so pretty then jeez." He jokes. I turn redder.

As the lesson goes on, Taehyung grows more and more focused in what I am saying. I can't help but admire how attractive he looks when he is concentrating. We finish three chapters in 45 minutes. I am impressed by how fast he is learning.

Then we start doing a few harder practice questions. And he begins to struggle.

At one point, I can almost see steam coming out of his head. His expression is one of deep fustration. Jeez he looks adorable even when mad.

I laugh and explain it in a different way. Each time he is fustrated, I make sure to teach him gently with a soft voice, it seems to work as we get through all the questions in the last 15 minutes of the lesson.

Finally. Our first lesson is done.

"Hell are you amazing Ms. Kim. I would never have dreamed of answering even one question of that shit." He says gratefully. I laugh and blush.

"Aishh its really nothing" I gush. I actually really enjoyed our first lesson.

"Babe on more teeny favour..." I give him a questioning look. "Wear this shirt again" He gives a cheeky grin.

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