Chapter 5: Save Me

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*Jaeyeon's POV*

Coming to school was a complete shock. Somehow word spread over the entire school about the unexpected house party Namjoon thrown last night. All thanks to Jimin. Many absurd rumors were made all in one single morning. Some students were saying that everyone was smoking weed and the police had come to stop the party. That doesn't worry me the most. For some idiotic reason, word has spread that Taehyung had "spent a night" with a girl from our school. Half the school assumes it's me.

I walk into my biology class with dread. To my horror, the sound of a heated argument fills the classroom. Everyone is fighting about who this "lucky" girl could be to have "slept" with Taehyung. Thankfully none of the BTS members are in my bio class. My presence softens the whole room. Some give me looks and instantly start whispering, some carry on talking.

"How was Taehyung last night?" Someone yells and snickers.

I roll my eyes. Just ignore it.

I sit down at a random empty table. My face fuming.

I hear the girls beside me chatter quietly.

"...No, I really don't think it was her. Taehyung has never spoken a word to her."

"Then it HAS to be Sonya. That lucky biyatch"

"Yeah, that's what everyone's saying. I mean aren't they practically dating?"

"Aish what difference does this all make? Taehyung is a fuck boy, he has probably slept with over 100 girls. Whoever she is, to Taehyung she is just another toy for him to play with."

"How fast it will it take Taehyung to get over Sonya?"

"UGH it's so unfair, we will never get a chance with him."

"Fuck boys are bastards but why are they always so hot?"

"Do you think he's good in bed?"

The conversation makes me sick. It also hit me how much everyone assumed Taehyung was a fuck boy. Was he?

I want to cry. I wish I never studied in his desk. I wish I never came back to Korea.


I get through half of the school day. Thankfully the gossip is dying down. I guess the girls were right. At the end of the day, Taehyung has slept with so many girls that one more girl doesn't really matter.

I walk to my math class. Kara runs and links arms with me

"This school is crazy! Everyone just assumes things... are you okay?"

"Ughh it's no big deal... why cry over it when all the rumors aren't true. I just can't believe Jimin would-"

"You have to believe me when I tell you Jimin didn't spread the word. He only told the BTS members. And he made them promise they wouldn't tell anyone." Kara interrupts. "And me, Eunji and Jin saw it in person and we would never tell!"

"Then who started the rumour?" I question.

"I have no idea. But it's the afternoon now and everyone seems to have stopped talking about it, and you have nothing to hide, you didn't do anything with him." Kara assures

"UGH! Kara my mind is about to explode!" I sulk. A gazillion things rush to my head, and I try to organise my thoughts.

Okay Kara, Jin, Eunji and Jimin are the ones that saw me come out of Taehyung's room. Kara, Eunji and Jin kept silent. Jimin went and told the BTS members. Ugh, I need to talk it out with Jimin.

Shit. I totally forgot about Taehyung. I haven't spoken to him since the morning I left the room. The rumours are probably confusing him, could he possibly believe that I somehow spent a night with him? Well I did... but on his freaking desk? -.- This whole thing is so stupid, this school is stupid, ugh kill me.

Me and Kara reach the math room. Just in the nick of time Jimin walks over to us, with an innocent face. I start to boil with anger.

"Jimin I need to talk to you!" I grab his hand and drag him away.

A boy yell behinds us, "Oooooh, give him a good one". Kara whacks him on the head.

I drag him around the corner of the classroom.

"JIMIN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I say, my head fuming.

"You're cute when you're mad" Jimin smirks.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY! Why are you such a jerk!" I hit his shoulder.

"AAAI, what do you mean!" He rubs his arm.

"You know exactly what I mean, you're the one who can't keep his mouth shut!"

"Jaeyeon ah what are you talking about"

"The rumours! Everyone thinks I slept with him!"

"Whoa whoa, you think I spread the rumours? Babe I'm your friend, why would I do that?" He looks at me with pure eyes.

"... Wait wha-"

"The members are the only ones I told, I thought you actually slept with him. But Kara explained to all the members right before school that you didn't-"

"Including Taehyung!?" Jimin frowns at the mention of Taehyung's name.

"No... I haven't seen him the whole morning"

"Ughh!! Then who spread these rumors?"

"I don't know but I swear on my mom it wasn't me or any of the members."

"Ughhhh I'm so confused"

"Babyyy don't worry, everyone is just as confused as you are. I think people have forgotten it already!" He comes closer to me. "I'm hurt that you accused me" Jimin pouts.

"... Ahh I'm sorry" I pout back.

"Can I get a kiss to make it better" Jimin jokingly puckers.

"EWW never" I yell. He starts to tackle me.

Kara walks in on us. "... So sorted it out then?" She says.

"Yep, Jimin didn't say anything." I reply. Kara looks at us and I see a quick flicker of sadness in her eyes.

"Let's go to math class." Kara says.

That's weird.

I get through math class. Taehyung doesn't show up. Ugh where is he? ...I need to talk to him and tell him nothing happened last night and the rumours are all wrong... Although a part of me wants something to have happened. FUCK what I am thinking.

What does Sonya think of the rumours?

Save me!

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