Chapter 8: Tutor

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*Jaeyeon's POV*

Me and Eunji walk in late to math class. Everyone is already sitting in their desks. I keep my head down, my face hot and apologize to the teacher. I walk over to my desk and feel the classroom staring at me as if I am naked. A few guys snicker and one whistles.

I calm down as the lesson continues. I turn around and Taehyung stares directly at me, but immeadiately drops his gaze. I quickly turn around, thoughts of his provactive dance this morning, makes me turn red. Ugh Jaeyeon just focus on math. I speed through the textbook questions like a machine. Some guys are check me out in the process.

After a while, Ms Lee stands up, "I almost forgot! You guys had homework this summer! Can you please take it out for me to collect now."

Students shuffle for their bags and Ms Lee begins to collect. I take my assignment out proudly. I managed to finish the whole of the textbook she handed to us.

Suddenely Ms Lee has stopped at someone elses desk.

"Mr. Kim?" The girls abrupt in giggles, everyone stops working and turns towards him. "Your homework?"

".... Umm I uh, didn't know how to do it..." He says with embarassment. The guys start to laugh. This is the only time guys could laugh at the most popular guy in the school. As math was the only thing he wasn't number 1 at.

"Mr. Kim we have talked about this before. I wanted to see a change in you this year. But this is just disappointing

Sonya butts in "No worries Ms. Lee, I will offer to tutor him." She gives him a seductive smile. Taehyung doesn't respond.

"Thank you for the kind offer Sonya but I could say the same thing about your progress." Ms. Lee says. Sonya pouts and everyone bursts in laughter. Taehyung bites his lip and looks down. Why does he have to be so mysterious all the time?
Another random thogght came to me. How can he be a fuck boy and be so quiet at the same time? Is there another wild side to him?

"I will offer to tutor him!" A girl yells. Sonya rolls her eyes.

"No Ms. Lee I can!" Another girl yells. The girls start to talk amongst themsleves.

"Quiet! No one needs to tutor anyone! He just needs more practice. Mr. Kim see me after class." Ms. Lee bellows. The girls sulk in disappointment.

20 minutes later and class has finished, everyone rushes out like zoo animals. Taehyung walks to Ms. Lee's desk. I quickly speed up packing my books. Before I can step out of class, Ms. Lee stops me.

"Ms. Kim!" I turn around politely.

"Yes Ms. Lee?"

"On second thoughts, maybe it is better for Mr. Kim to have some help from his peers." I look at Taehyung, he looks back and scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "And who better to tutor him other than our beautiful, top student!" We both turn red.

"I would be happy to." I reply neutrally.

"Excellent! I know I can always count on you Jaeyeon" Ms. Lee smiled.

"Any time, we could start-"

"Today!" Ms. Lee interrupts happily. What perfect timing, school has ended and you both are headed home anyways.

I silently cringe, before I can reply. Ms Lee shuffles us out of her classroom.

Taehyung chuckles awkwardly. I realized I haven't heard him laugh eversince I came back to Korea. It is deep childish, just as I remembered from middle school.

It hit me. How did I just become the tutor of the most popular guy in the school? It also hit me, it was just this morning that Taehyung caught me feasting my eyes on his body rolls. Every bit of my body cringes.

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