Chapter Twelve

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A vision of Jude appeared coming from the closet's doorway, loosening his tie.  "I think we should have it checked again."

     "We already had it checked," an agitated voice that sounded like mine responded.  "And the doctor said that its perfectly normal."

     "I don't see why you're stressing this out, Chelly, I'm just saying that you should--" he said, finally gotten rid of his silky red tie.

     "Oh!  So I'm the one who's stressing this out?!" Rachel's voice began to raise then returned to her mindless flipping through of the pages of a magazine.

     "Look," he sighed, occupying the space beside the seemingly fuming Rachel.  "The doctor said you can undergo a surgery--"

     She slaps the white sheets.  "I don't want to undergo a surgery, alright?  This is my body and it's my decision what I want to do with it."

     Jude raises his eyebrows in defeat.  "Alright."  He steps back inside the closet and with the shutting of its doors, my vision went pitch black.

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