Chapter Thirty-One

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I went in the room and the dark-haired lady with the sexy curls that Jude was kissing awhile ago immediately stood up, looking wary.

"Oh, you don't have to stand," I said in a rush, somehow embarrassed as though I don't belong here. "I'll just get my things..." I jutted a thumb to my right where the closet is.

She forced a thin smile, bracing herself with her right hand over her left arm in embarrassment.

With all these clothes, I couldn't take them all so I had to choose the basics. And of course formal wear for occassions. Then, some dresses for casual occassions. Maybe some--oh for crying outloud! I'll end up taking everything with me!


Jude offered me a ride to John's. His car stopped in front of the Dawson's land. Either of us waited for each other to say something while the crickets sang their song to the night.

"So I guess this is good-bye," Jude said.

"Yeah," I said. Neither of us looked at each other. Our eyes remained straight ahead.

"See you in court for the next few days," he said, sounding friendlier than business-like.

"Yeah," I whispered before pushing the door on the way out. I went to the back compartment. Jude followed me out to help. After pulling out my bags, he asked, "Are you sure you can manage?"

I nodded with a thin smile. "Yeah."

"Why don't I just take your things to where you need to go and let's just take it from there?"

I nodded with a pleasant smile. "I'd like that."

He carried most of my bags until we reached John's door.

"This is really good-bye," he chuckled nervously.

I nodded.

He opened his arms awkwardly. "Care for one last hug?"

I leaned in and embraced him for only a few seconds more before pulling away. I watched him walk away until he was gone.

I lifted the wooden knocker against their old wooden door. It wasn't long before he opened the door.

"Hi," I smiled sheepishly. His eyes ran over my bags then, back to me. "It's over."

"That fast?" he said, quite disbelievingly.

"We could take it slow..." I smiled shyly, putting a hand over my other arm.

He smiled as he took a step forward, taking my left hand from my arm as he placed his arms around my waist.

"Marry me, Rachel," he whispered. "I want you to nag at me every night, asking where I've been, what I did and who I'm with. I love you, Rachel and I will never get tired of saying that every single day."

"Yes, John. Yes. I will definitely marry you. I do and I will."

He cupped his fingers underneath my jaw and felt his rose-like lips touch mine.


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