Chapter Eighteen

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I've decided to stop pestering Jude just for the sake of an argument that this is going to cause.

Let me just NOT tell you whar.happens next because it's all boring with the silent treatment and all that.

I peeked into his "office" through the ajar door and saw Jude busy with something on his workspace. I silently knocked.

He looked up and motioned for me to come. "Come in."

I slowly made my way to him and twisted my fingers into a knot behind my back. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier."

He sighed. "It's okay. Past is past."

I felt slightly taken aback. I expected something else. I expected him to apologize and say that it was his mistake

"I...I think I need a vacation," I uttered without thinking.

"What?!" he exclaimed as if he has heard the most ridiculous thing ever. He grabs his Smartphone and types something as he spoke tiresomely, "Well, let me check with my secretary my sched--"

"Oh! No, no! I don't want to cause you much trouble so...I'm going alone."

He looks up from his phone. "Oh."

There was silence.

"Alright," he said. "Enjoy your trip." He went back to his work. "And how long do you plan to take this vacation?" he asked without looking up.

"Uhm...a couple of days, maybe."


I stood there for a couple of minutes more, waiting for him to say something but there was no word from him.

I turned my back and returned to our room. I felt the need to get out of this house and break free and..and let loose! Argh! This place is driving me crazy!

I know just the place to be.

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