Chapter Twenty-Nine

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John drove me back to Jude's. He fearlessly escorted me to the door, careless whether Jude could see us or not. I confronted the door and heaved a sigh. I turned to him and looked into his moonlit blue eyes.

"Here we are," I giggled nervously and forced a brief smile.

His eyes were unchanging. They seemed to look deep inside me. "If there's anything I could do to get you back..."

I placed a subtle finger on his lips as he held my other hand. "All you have to do is wait. I'll come back for you. I promise. Just stay away from me...just for a little while," my voice began to shake, my vision beginning to blur. "You'll never know," I shrugged as a tear escaped my eye. "Maybe you'll just find me standing at your door, in that way, you'll know that there's nothing else to worry about anymore."

Despite the tears blurring my sight, I could see his eyes becoming glassy. "You can do that?" the sound of his voice brings so much pain.

I shook my head and ignored the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I don't want to see you hurting like this," he said as he tried not to sound so close to crying.

"Close your eyes," I swallowed.

He obediently did as a tear escaped his eye.

"So you won't see me when I get hurt." I gently pulled away my hand from his grasp and twisted the gold lever knob and gently closed it behind me.

"I promise I'll come back for you, John. I promise..." were the only words I could say to myself.

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