Chapter Nineteen

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The cab made a long trip from the uptown Grand Sunset to downtown Dawson land. It was a bit costly on the transportation fee but nevertheless, money is nothing compared to the breathtaking sight John's land could give.

I lugged my suitcase along the pathway as I strolled along the greenery. Honestly, I'm still not comfortable with John. He still remains mysyerious to me and a total stranger.

"I thought you were joking when you called," a voice spoke from behind just a few feet away from me.

I turned and there he was. Standing in a dark green shirt and worn-out jeans was John Dawson.

I tried to act a little cold and posh, like how a rich arrogant woman would. "Well, I'm--I'm trying to see what this land has to offer my husband's company."


I can't believe I just said that. Truthfully, I never liked Jude's company. It makes me sick.

He smirked as if what I said was a complete joke. As if he knew how I hated Jude's company.

"You're still a bad liar," he said with a chuckle. "You never changed."

I felt my world stop.

Did I just hear him right?

How dare he talk to me like that?! He talks as if he knows me! Jerk.

"Excuse me?" I squinted my eyes. "You barely even know me."

He shook his head downwards with that implacable smile then, raised his head with a trying-to-look-serious face. "I'm sorry. I just...just...just am sorry."

I wish Jude were more like that...

"It's...It's okay," I heard my voice soften, the coldness vanishing.

Later on, he has joined me on my walk and has offered to carry my white hardcase.

"How did you get my number anyway?" he asked.

"I found it in my phone," I answered. Then, crossed my arms and hesitated before saying, "And I have no idea what we were texting about."

He was silent for a very long time. I swiftly turned to peek at him and just as immediately, I turned away.

"Do you love Jude?"

I felt my eyes widen as I swiveled to him. "What kind of question is that?! Of course I...I love him."

Inside, I knew there was something that's not right with what I said. I was a wee bit hesitant but I am certain that I love Jude...I think. Well, he's my husband! Need I say more?

He looked at me, the kind of look when someone tries to read your heart.

There was a long awaiting silence before he said, "Why are you here?"

"If you don't believe my lie, then there's no use in saying it again."

He read my eyes once more before before walking off.

And because he still has my luggage, I followed after him.


We stopped in front of a homey-looking cabin at the resort part of his land that would've been good enough to live in.

"You'll be staying here," he said, staring at the bungalow as I was.

I glanced at the other cottages but they looked far different from this one.

He climbed up the two steps to the wooden screendoor and opened to a clean room complete with modern furniture and appliances. He placed my luggage on one side. He said, "Enjoy your stay," and was about to leave when I stopped him.


He turned.

"Aren't you going to give me a tour?"


When he finished the tour, I sighed in amazement. "Wow. I never knew that there was such a place as this in this world."

He smirked. "Don't you like Robinson Village?"

I scrunched up my face in disgust. "It's like a prison there!" a sudden outburst came out of me. "It's so darn boring and--and the food is going to kill me!"

He laughed helplessly as I talked.

"And could you stop laughing?!"

He covered his mouth with his fist to prevent himself from smiling.

I waited until he fully stopped laughing. "Sorry. I--I just remembered something."

I flicked a brown lock that was hanging in front of my face. "Anyway, I hate his company and I hate everything that he does."

There was a pause.

" hate him?"

I stopped. I suddenly ran out of words. I don't know how to respond. "I..."

He crossed his arm with a quizzical look on his face, raising one eyebrow as though a challenge.

"I feel a bit tired..." I said in my most tired voice. "I think I'll just..."

Before I could finish, my vision turned black but before ny head could hit the floor, his athletic reflex caught me just in time.

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