Chapter 21: The Plan... ish

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"This is your captain speaking," Jamison yawned, stretching. "We are now descending into Junkertown airspace. Please put on your seatbelts and stop going back for orange juice. I'm talking to you, smurfmonkey."

Isabell heard Tracer yawn. "This is ridiculous. We've been flying for two hours and we're not even out of the state. In England, you flew two hours and you were in Switzerland."

"Ridiculous," Reinhardt said in a grumbly voice that sounded remarkably like snoring.

"ALERT ALERT TALON IS ATTACKING TALON IS ATTACKING," Jamison screamed into the radio in rapid succession. In seconds everyone was on their feet, yelling and grabbing weapons. Tracer had already Blinked into the cockpit to see Jamie's cocky grin.

She muttered an obscenity and Blinked back. "False alarm."

"Now that you're all awake," Jamie grinned, speaking into the microphone, Isabell trying not to burst out laughing, "I'll repeat meself. We're going down. But to get into Junkertown, we're going to need someone's help." His grin grew as he looked at Isabell. "Someone with a very particular set of skills. A master of deception and deadliest Australian out there."

"Well he or she better be damn good!" Winston growled loudly.

"Oh, they're good alright," Jamie grinned a secret grin, like he knew something nobody else did. Isabell raised an eyebrow at him, but he revealed nothing - just kept grinning at her.

But they seriously could not be in much more trouble than they were already, so honestly, she had no judgement at this point. She adjusted her goggles as Jamie put the microphone away with a flourish and dropped like a sack of potatoes into his chair. "Are we ready to descend, captain?" he said lazily.

"Indeed we are, Mr Fawkes," Isabell said, yawning and stretching once more, before focusing on the hardlight screens in front of her. "Ready when you are."

"Begin," he said with a grand gesture of his hand, "The descent." Then he paused. "No, wait, hold on just a smidgy second. Let me contact my associate."

"While you do," Isabell yawned, and threw him a small glowing yellow thing. It looked kind of like the music part of a music box, but it looked a lot more fragile and quite a bit techier than a simple musical instrument. "Take that. Put it on your leg."

He raised an eyebrow, as if asking, which one?

"Attach it to your broken leg," she explained. "I took some of Mercy's stuff before we left to make myself something to defend against Annayat's energy because it screwed with my radiation. Since I don't need it anymore, I modified it to do what the Valkyrie suit's staff does. Give it five minutes and your leg'll be good as new."

He looked surprised. "Thank you."

"Thank me by not getting me killed tomorrow morning," Isabell told him, and put her feet up on the desk. "I'll be waiting for your cue, Cap."

He disappeared into the back of the plane, and Isabell yawned again, and got up. She walked over to the microphone and picked it up, her voice crackling into the back of the plane. "...This is your pilot speaking. We land in five minutes. Winston, Jamie hid your stash of peanut butter in the cargo hold, in case you were wondering. Get yourselves ready now. And for God's sake, as much as you want to, try not to murder Junkrat, alright? Unless you want to be responsible for the destruction of the planet."

There was a muttered curse from Tobjorn and Reinhardt laughed.

Exactly five minutes later, Jamison was back. He didn't look particularly happy, but just dumped himself in his chair and nodded. "Take us down."

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