Chapter 22: Insanity

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"Here's the play," Junkrat said seriously, and Isabell could almost imagine the team huddling around their captain. Such a melodramatist - he'd practically dressed up especially for the occasion of infiltrating his home town and blowing up whatever he could. Riptire polished to perfection, mines gleaming at his waist, mechanical arm and leg shiny as if they were straight from the cardboard factory.

He drew in the dirt with his peg leg. "We enter in here." He pointed to a rudimentary diagram of the front of the entrance of Junkertown. "Roadie and I will go in through the front entrance with our... inconspicuous disguises..."

He pulled out a scarecrow-looking costume that looked made out of old corn sacks. Everyone stared at him. Even Isabell was doubting whether her own sanity was intact if she was trusting him.

The sun was just rising still, and Isabell had been allowed to hitch a ride of Roadhog's motorbike with Jamison to just outside the town, while her friends had had to walk. Tracer had Blinked ahead pretty early and they'd been chatting ever since - until everyone else had arrived, it being at least 9am by now, and Junkrat had immediately started explaining.

"And then Isabell and Headcase, as per her request," he bowed melodramatically, "will go in together through the sewer system."

Isabell gave him a glare that promised a world of hurt and he grinned broadly back at her. "You two will infiltrate the main city center, and hang out there, trying to be..." He put extra accent on the word. "Inconspicuous."

Tracer put her head in her hands.

"Then smurfmonkey and Santa Claus will hide in our massive tray of gold," Jamison grinned, pointing to the massive hovertrailer that was piled high with gold and jewels. And, you know, just casually laced with dynamite. "And Roadie and meself will get them into the city and into the Queen's chambers. McFrogNugget will wall climb his way up the side and hang out in the bar to the left-- I mean, right-- I mean, north-east? - of the city, ready to snatch that paper."

Lucio made no comment. He just kind of stared.

"Then me and Roadie," he said, his voice growing in pitch as he got more excited, "blow up the Queen's palace, and then we run like hell for the main area! Perfect distraction! Then, in the chaos, I make a rousing speech to the Junkers of Junkertown and they all follow me as their new leader, McFrogNugget grabs the paper and tries not to sniff Isabell or Headcase as they help him escape."

"What about us?" Tobjorn growled. "We're hiding inside that bucket of gold that you just used as a distraction."

"Details, details," Jamison waved him off, and Tobjorn gave Winston an exasperated look that translated roughly to 'Can I kill him now?'

"It's foolproof!" Jamie laughed maniacally, and Isabell finally saw that side of him that everyone described him as. When he was around explosives, shit went down. This was the scrambled-eggs side of the basket - and as much as it was terrifying, Isabell was enjoying how much more terrified everyone else was.

Everyone waited for someone to say something, but nobody did.

Jamison actually look genuinely surprised. "Nothing? No objections?"

"I could think of a thousand better ways to get in," Tobjorn muttered.

"With some serious modifications," Winston folded his arms, "It could work. Jamison, why are we hiding inside the gold in the first place?"

Jamie shrugged. "Couldn't figure out where to put you."

Tobjorn's ears went red with fury. Tracer raised an eyebrow at him in warning and they had a silent staring contest for a while as they argued soundlessly. Eventually, Tracer folded her arms and Tobjorn sat down with a huff, defeated.

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