Chapter 31: Surprise

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The battle was unlike any Lena had ever fought before. Hellfire shotguns were raining their namesake on everyone's heads, bullets falling like raindrops as Widowmaker switched between scope and non-scope attacks. The metal corridors were now full of dents and bends where Reinhardt had smashed into them and a pulse bomb had gone off. Genji was roaring in Japanese, Mercy was dashing everywhere attempting to keep everyone alive and McCree was snarling as he sent round after round in the direction of the door.

The massive metal doors led into the armory. Definitely not the ideal place to have your enemy holed up, but at least they were cut off from any exit. There was no sign of Sombra, but halfway through the battle, Lena had noticed the cameras all going offline and managed a grin - she must have picked a hell of a day to betray Talon.

"Winston! Barrier!" Lena yelled, Blinking from her position of cover behind a pillar. He slammed down a barrier just in time, and Lena landed inside, firing rapidly. Instantly, Reaper and Widow focused their fire on it and it was down quickly, but Tracer pinned them down and heard a hiss of pain as she hit Widow hard.

"Gotcha," Lena grinned and Blinked back behind cover.

"Le ha!" Reinhardt roared, firing up his engine and rushing to slam Widow against the wall. She grappled out of the way, out into the open, and quickly ducked into an upper-level room as she was bombarded with fire.

They were in an area with all three storeys of the building exposed. There was a network of bridges connecting the corridors on either side, and Overwatch members posted all over it. Lena, Winston and Reinhardt were on the lowest level. McCree, Genji and Mei were on the second-level bridges, firing rapidly while Snowball tried his best not to get hit. Torbjorn had set up a turret on the topmost level while Mercy swooped around all three levels, healing whomever needed it.

Blink Blink Blink fire reload fire reload recall fire fire Blink fire reload Blink

Lena chanced a glance behind her into the corridor leading into the open space, watching their back. 

That was the only reason she survived as she Blinked right before an orb of black hit her.

"The hell?" she yelled, before shouting, "There's another one!"

Everyone quickly turned to look.

Another one indeed.

Half of her face was masked in something Lena didn't want to know the contents of. Her orange hair flared as she stepped into the light, shining unnaturally. Her chest and back was dominated by a massive contraption of pipes filled with sludgy, purple-black liquid which she summoned into her delicate scientist's hands. She smiled the most devilish, evil smile Lena had ever witnessed - a smile that brought the promise of things worse than death.

There was no collar around her neck. 

Meaning that this was another member of Talon.

Lena's mouth went dry as she recognized her.


"It's Moira," she swallowed, before Blinking up to the third level and hollering down, "It's Moira!"

Moira waved sweetly and blew a kiss to Lena.

And then she started firing.

She was unlike anything Lena had ever seen. She was quick, firing golden-yellow orbs at her teammates. In seconds, Widowmaker was standing with her gun shouldered, as if Lena's bullets had had no effect whatsoever. Reaper, who had electricity burns across his shoulder courtesy of Winston, showed no sign of damage and Lena had the unsettling feeling that underneath his mask, he was grinning. A black orb then descended on McCree, and he roared in pain as it jetted shadowy black into his shoulder. He scrambled to get out of its trajectory, but it didn't just keep going past - it followed him.

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