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Baekhyun felt like flying away, And never coming back. Chanyeol smirked and his eyes started to glow.

"Yes, My cute little dragon. What is it?" Chanyeol whispered in Baekhyun's ear, licking his earlobe.

"Chan...Yeol..Why are...you calling me a dragon?" Baekhyun breathed nervously.

"Baby...Relax..." Chanyeol caressed his bare waist. "I've seen you. The scales that appear on your neck and the way you heat up when we kiss. Your blazing eyes. The flames and sparks that emit from your mouth. The silent but loud growl. Everything. The glow and your tattoo. The way your amulet glows. The way your sister and you communicate. The way you feel each other.

Your unusual beauty. Everyhing.

Only a dragon is born with a dragon tattoo right." Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun.

"I.....am...So....Sorry. You hate me now. I am beast in your eyes. You hate me. You hate ......." Chanyeol cut Baekhyun off by kissing him on the lips.

"No....Baek you are a fantasy. Inside and out. You are ethereal outside while you are a legend inside. Baby...You are one in a million...And my love for you is eternal. Unmeasurable and deep.  Something that would live for centuries. For as old as time.

You are the one I'll spend my lifetime with. But promise me. Please be careful not to get caught. I would die if you were hurt." Chanyeol's eyes filled with tears.

Baekhyun cradled his face and kissed Chanyeols cheek.

"We hail from the ancient legendary fire breathing red dragons. We were born from the same flame and and only after trillions of years a dragon twin is born. We lived in the Isle across the ocean but it started falling apart so we were sent here. And I promise to be safe Chanyeol." Baekhyun nodded smiling.

"Baekhyun...Promise me you will never go out alone. Ever. If humans find you they will kill you. I will protect you with my life.You make me go nuts and I would love to see the mighty dragon you are one day.  " The King smiled.

"I promise. You will see." Baekhyun whispered blushing.

Chanyeol wasn't afraid of Baekhee for this brothers stayed around her always.

That night Baekhyun slept soundly next to the taller making his heart beat every time he looked at the cute puppy like creature.

(They didn't do anything. If you get what i mean. Or should they?)

The morning sunlight beat down on the palace gardens. Sehun walked down the garden path way that lead to he palace stables. And his heart stopped at the sight.

Baekhee sat on a silky black stallion, Its black mane long and flowing. She wore her royal pink dress and her crown glistened. Her blood red hair mingling with the breeze.

"Baekhee..." Sehun called her.

"Hmmm..Ohhh Sehun..What brings you here?" Baekhee grinned trying to get down her horse when Sehun unconsciously held onto her waist and brought her down. Sending a thousand emotions down her spin.

"Umm..I am sorry about the other day...It was..." Baekhee giggled.

"Its okay Sehun..." She smiled. Walking her stallion to its stable and feeding it.

"Whats his name?" Sehun asked.

"Shadow." Baekhee walked back to were Sehun stood.

"Cool name. Ummm hey gotta go. I have archery to practice." The Knight tried to leave.

"Omg really. Please teach me." And the next moment she was following Sehun to the archery arena.

"You hold it like this and then shoot." Sehun held Baekhee's hand teaching her to shoot the arrow. Their back bodies touching each other.

"Yeah I shot it right hunnie." Baekhee jumped with joy looking at Sehun. Their faces inches apart as the Kinight smiled wrapping his arms around her waist and swirling her around.

"Sehun...I feel dizzy." The dragon giggled. Pushing him away.

"Sorry." Sehun pouted.

"Thank you for teaching me." The girl kissed his cheek and skipped off blushing like a beet. Sehuns heart bursted with a strong kind emotion.

It was weird that Sehun started to feel this, he felt heavy with overflowing emotion's for the girl. Her simple way of being beautiful. A very strong emotion he had never felt when he looked at any other maiden before? 

Was it too early to fall in love?

Baekhee tosed and turned that night, her serene glow blazing red like fire, he sweated and cried. Growling and her hands flying with force.

She could feel pain rush through herveins as they pulled someone away, 

Blood trickled down his neck,

He was chained and he fought to be freed.

Tears damning his face.

He had turned into a dragon,

He breathed fire monstrously,

Angry and afraid at the same time,

"Chanyeol.." A faint whisper was heard.

And her brother's face was seen,

With blood shot eyes and a swollen face.

"BAEKHYUN........." Baekhee woke up crying. She usually never saw anything into the furure, It was rare only Baekhyun saw them. It was sure something was wrong. She had to find her brother. Getting dressed and carefully placing her crown on her blood red hair she ran  downstairs. The morning sunlight had already crept inside illuminating the beautiful palace walls.

She was restless and she wanted to spread her wings and fly, she couldn't find her brother or neither was she able to become a dragon in peace. The fear hugged her heart too tight she balled her green eyes out.

"Where Is Baekhyun?" She abruptly asked Chanyeol's mother. "I am sorry. Forgive me your highness." She bowed.

"Oh dear, call me mom, Well Baekhyun and Chanyeol has gone on a small visit to their neighboring uncles palace. 

She ran outside and mounted Shadow, As the black stallion galloped outside the palace gates and to the forest. She was crying, not knowing what to do. Her tears flowing as she rode her horse.

"I must find hyung, he would know what that was about." The black stallion carried the dragon across the vast Ornbarad forests.  She didn't know where she was been taken but for the moment she felt calm.

Until Shadow stopped at a very strange place, the place felt cold and a silence that screamed.. A dark and gloomy aura cloaked this part of the forest. She unmounted her horse as she tried exploring the place only to spot Kai looking at a incredibly beautiful girl from a distance.

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