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The palace was filled happy chattering, people running here and there, red roses and white sashes clung to every pillar every window, every hedge in the garden. The sound music and the fresh baking of food. The tingling sounds of fairies flying around. The palace was magical. Tiephyt ran around with a note pad scribbling down notes, and ordering people to do this and that. Her hair touching her hips as it swayed when she ran around. Eleanor was the one giving instruction's on how everything should be done. Well Aelfdene flew around the two girl's helping them.

"Chanyeol. I am excited. If the celebrations are so great for us becoming parent's, how is it going to be when our baby is born?" The Queen lent her head on the King's shoulder, his hands perfectly around the smaller's waist.

"Well, It's gonna be greater than this. The best celebration to ever take place." Chanyeol said softly kissing Baekhyun's neck. The smaller blushed and looked down below at the preparations. The King and Queen were on their balcony, smiling brightly as ever.

"Agrrhhh I am so tired." Baekhee sat down for the first time that day. Eleanor plopped next to her too. Leaning her head on her friends shoulder.

"Me too. I've never been this tired in my whole life." The priestess sniffled. Both of them nodded in agreement.

Finally as the day came to an end and all the celebrations for the announcement of the royal heir, the girls went around the palace gardens to relax. Kai had pulled Eleanor away and gone to another direction of the garden. They sat in silence looking up at the star's above them, Kai reluctantly snaked his arm around the priestesses waist, making her softly yelp. She got up and walked towards a hedge and ran her finger's through the soft grass. 

"Umm...I am sorry...I didn't mean to, you know make you feel uncomforta...." Kai was cut short in his train of nervous words as Eleanor kissed his blushing slightly. Kai rubbed his nape smiling nervously. "Ummm Eleanor....Don't hate me but..Can...I kiss you?" The tanned male grinned.

"Finally, I thought you would never do it." The black head roled her eyes.

"Umm no I didn't..." Eleanor pulled his neck down. "Shut up and kiss me already." She said rolling her eyes for the second time. The prince nodded and leaned in pressing his lips against her's. Those lip's he always dreamed of. The girl smiled wrapping her arms around his neck as he held onto her waist. The kiss was deep and it held an ocean of unsaid love.

Well Sehun, was busy training his lady love archery, Something she loved with all her heart. No legend ever said a dragon shouldn't learn archery right. He traced her hands as he taught her how to shoot. She was a fast learner but he still loved staying close to her and teach her. When she was well trained at the art of archery, he insisted in teaching her fencing. Something he loved. 

Their swords glimmered under the moonlight as the tinging sound resonated the arena, Sehun swirled her around stealing her sword and trapping her tiny body in between his sword. The sword on her neck and his arm tightly around her waist. The breathed heavily. Each other's chests heaving as their bodies were pasted against each other. The prince turned his head to a side as he pressed his lips on the little dragons. Their lips didn't move but the feelings rushed through each other's veins.

It was already morning and Baekhyun was hyped, but morning sickness got him crying. And mood swings totally scard the crap out of Chanyeol. He softly touched his wifes waist.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BIG EARED IDIOT." Baekhyun jumped off the bed, pushed Chanyeol away and tried to stomp off.

"But baby, Why are you like this hmm? Where is my morning kiss?" Chanyeol pouted.

"Shut up. Go kiss the wall." The dragon rolled his eye's off he went to shower.

When he came out after a fresh warm bath he was all cuddly and sweet. He helped Chanyeol dress, and pecked him on the lips, hugged him and what not. Baekhyun wore his royal dress gown and Chanyeol was in his royal dress suit. They could here the soft murmering out at the garden's. As they came out into the balcony where the Royal couple had to sand, loud cheers filled the palace grounds.

 "I King Chanyeol, will share two important announcement's. My dear villager's the first is that, Your Queen, Park Baekhyun is expecting a baby, Your future king and the heir to the throne of Ornbarad." Chanyeol finished and the villagers shouted words of excitement and joy.

"Secondly, There would be two royal wedding's coming up, I wish all of you to be a part of prince Kai, And Prince Sehun's wedding's to these beautiful young maiden's here. Eleanor high priestess of Ornbarad and Oracle is to be wedded to Kai. Baekee or young Tiephyt, twin sister of your Queen is to be wedded to Sehun." The king finished.

The villages clapped and cheered as the former king and queen smiled at their son. Making them proud. The girls of course were shell shocked at the sudden announcement. The rest of the went by with joy and laughter filling the place. All the young maiden's of Ornbarad and come and were with Eleanor and Tiephyt. The boy's with the prince's. The forest spirit of course swarmed around doing little naughty things.

But the wedding would take place once Baehyun gave birth. So said Chanyeol. 

"OMG Baehee, I can't believe we are getting married."Kai swirled his best friend around. She nodded hugging his neck. Well they were doing this on purpose since stupid Sehun was such a baby.

"Eleanor I thought Kai loved you." Poor Aelfdene asked confused.

The priestess giggled and nodded. "He does, they are just teasing Sehun. Common let's give them a helping hand. Just Baekhyun joined them too. Winking as they went to tease the little prince. When Sehun was in the verge of tear's they apologized and gave him a hug. He pulled Baekhee and hugged her dragging her away. leaving the rest in laughter.

It was night and Baekhyun was glowing. His stomach glowing more than ever.

"Baby why does your stomach glow so much? Is it our baby?" Chanyeol asked wrapping his arms around Baekhyuns waist. Olalzryd nodded, "Honey my stomach glow's, for our baby is half dragon and half Elven. It's gonna be a beautiful creation with your magic and mine."Baekhyun kissed his cheek making his ears turn pink.

"Omg I can't wait. I love you both so much." Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun on his pink lips as his other arm sneaked beneath the smaller's shirt as he caressed the dragon's tummy.

"And we love you more."Baekhyun looked into those golden brown eyes as he reconnected their lips once more.

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