23: @ScorpionGirl3100

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Hi guys!

Today I have got an opportunity to take an interview of ScorpionGirl1300.

So let's get started!

• Knowing you:

Q1:What is your real name?

Answer: Nivedita Bose here. :) *Smiles*

Q2: Telll us something about yourself.

Answer: This is Miss. Nivedita, a sixteen year old 12th going girl, residing in Chennai mostly. :)

Q3: Tell us something about your family.

Answer: My family has my parents and two sisters! Mumma Papa got hitched through love. Mumma is Punjabi and Papa, Bengali. :)

Q4: What inspired you to write a book?

Answer: I wanted to show MaNan though my eyes. I love married MaNan where Manik is the most caring one and Nandini,pampered by him. ❤

Q5: According to you what should a good book have?

Answer: A very beautiful storyline. Emotions, to the point. Characters showing out their best shades. And Very Friendly and Humble readers! I lack everything except READERS!

Q6: What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from opposite sex?

Answer: Point of View. Writing a Man's Point of View is really hard but the way Parth portrayed his character! It helped me a lot in writing down Manik's character. ❤

Q7: What was your hardest scene to write?

Answer: I hardly write any emotional sequence as I really can't. I just can't and that's one of the flaw of my books but my readers are really very supportive! ❤

Q8: How has your life changed as a writer after starting writing on wattpad?

Answer: Urm! It made me a writer *Laughs hard* It did change my life. I was always like bored *yawns* not doing anything and all like that but as I started working on fanfics! I can actually work on my leisure time and write rather than sleep and even it made me realise that people don't alwyad judge the covers but read the books that is *NO ONE KNOWS ME BY MY FACE BUT STILL THEY LOVE ME* and it feels like heaven! *THANK YOU ALL* ❤❤

Q9: How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Answer:  If everything is ready in my mind, then it hardly takes 30 mins to write a 1k Worded chapter. :)

Q10: Have you ever been bashed for your writing? how do you deal with it?

Answer: Luckily, Never. :) Wattpad and the MaNanians has always been very sweet to me. ❤

Q11: Your hobbies.

Answer: Writing as of now. :') Dance is life. ❤

Q12: Would you take up writing as your profession? If no, then what would you like to be?

Answer: No, it will be a hobby only and it will be confined to Wattpad only. :)

Q13: What is your motto of life?

Answer: I want to be an IAS and change the world, particularly this nation into a beautiful place as this country has everything except for brotherhood and loyalty of the ministers! :')

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