22: @Princess201997

44 7 3

Hi guys!

Today I have got an opportunity to take an interview of Princess201997.

So let's get started!

• Knowing you:

Q1:What is your real name?

Answer: My real name is Geet.

Q2: Telll us something about yourself.

Answer: I am 20 years old and in my final year of college. Very short tempered and reserved person. I generally don't make friends easily. I am not shy, just an introvert.

Q3: Tell us something about your family.

Answer: My family is my life. It is a small and cute family of me, my mom and my small brother.

Q4: What inspired you to write a book?

Answer: I was never keen about writing, I just loved to read. One something clicked in my mind and then I decided to try my hands in writing. And that is how I started.

Q5: According to you what should a good book have?

Answer: A good book should contain strong emotions. Whether a story dark, emotional or of any genre which will attracts readers and tie them to story.

Q6: What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from opposite sex?

Answer: Most difficult thing about opposite character is emotions. I am a girl so I know how female character feels, but it's difficult to express male characters.

Q7: What was your hardest scene to write?

Answer: Voilence scenes, I have never written voilence scenes before.

Q8: How has your life changed as a writer after starting writing on wattpad?

Answer: My life is really changed. From a reader I became a writer, I started working harder on my stories for my readers and I know the importance of time now.

Q9: How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Answer: If I have an interesting concept then I can complete a book in 1 month or 1/half months are enough.

Q10: Have you ever been bashed for your writing? how do you deal with it?

Answer: No, I have never been bashed.

Q11: Your hobbies.

Answer: Reading, writing, hanging out with friends, and yes I am addicted to my phone.

Q12: Would you take up writing as your profession? If no, then what would you like to be?

Answer: No, its just a passion. I want to become a IAS officer in future.

Q13: What is your motto of life?

Answer: Never regret anything in your life evrything happens for something good.


Rapid Fire Round:

1. Favourite book on wattpad.

I can't choose one book there are many.

2. Favourite writer on wattpad. 

My dolls there are two SmilingGirl_07 (Mukku) and PriyankaSurya.

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