Chapter 3

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I hurriedly got out of the car. Lucas looked at me with that apologetic face again before turning to Megan. He smiled at her and walked over to her embracing her into a hug. She hugged him half-heartily and gave me an ice cold stare.

“Why was she with you” she spat looking at me like I was garbage.

“I offered her a ride, seeing that she would be late if she walked” Lucas answered honestly. Megan gave me another cold stare before turning her attention to Lucas and pulling him into a big steamy kiss. I cringed in disgust and turned around heading towards my locker. I could hear Lucas calling out to me but I ignored him fearing that more drama would stir up if I decided to stay.

I slowly made my way to my locker. I opened it and got my books for first period.

“Why so glum chum” I turned to the voice and saw my best friend Selena smiling brightly at me. I smiled weakly at her before turning back to face my locker. I closed it and banged my head slightly.

“Taylor what’s wrong” she asked worry visible on her petite face. I smiled before wrapping my arms around her. She stroked my hair slightly.

“Lucas” she asked – actually more like stated. Selena knew me better than anyone, so she knew exactly what was bothering me. I looked at her with sad eyes. I nodded sadly. She rubbed my shoulders gently and sighed.

“I don’t know why he’s with that bimbo in the first place” she hissed. I looked at her and smiled. She was more than a best friend to me, she was my sister. She knew everything that went on in my head which would sometimes creep me out, but she was always there for me and I know for a fact that she would kick anyone’s butt – including Lucas just to protect me.

“He offered me a ride this morning because I was going to be late for school if I walked. Then when we got to the parking lot Megan was there with an annoyed look. She gave him hell for just driving me to school” I explained reliving the horrible feeling of rejection in my stomach. Selena was right, why was Lucas with that bimbo?

 Selena and I walked quietly to our first class which was gym. I groaned internally with the fact. I looked over at Selena who had a huge smile on her face. I glared at her happiness. She looked over at me and a smirked formed on her face.

“I know you hate gym, but seriously how could you. Gym is the best subject of the entire curriculum” she gushed throwing her hands in the air. I smiled at how she would glow when she talked about sports or anything that involves physical activity. She is the kind of person that is good at everything. She’s on the soccer team, volleyball team and badminton. She wanted to do track but there was too much on her plate. But what makes her more amazing is her brains. She’s as smart as me…maybe even smarter. We went to the changing room and got ready for gym.

“What are we doing today?” I asked not really interested.

“Volleyball” she shrieked. 

“Great” I groaned. If there was one sport that I sucked at the most it was this.  Why couldn’t I have amazing skills like my best friend?

YOU BELONG WITH ME (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon