Chapter 12

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“David” I breathed happily. Megan stood up and batted her eyes at David.

“No problem, just having a nice chat” she smiled innocently. He rolled his eyes taking my hand.

“Since when was ‘nice’ ever in your vocabulary” he said pulling me up off the ground. She glared at him and he returned it with a smug smile. He then led me away from the ice queen.

“Thanks” I whispered once we were far away from them. He looked down at me and smiled.

“Don’t worry about it” he bumped me playfully. I laughed and bumped him back. I looked over to see the boys playing football. I looked up to see David looking over there longingly. I smiled and nudged him.

“Go have fun” I smiled. He beamed ruffling my hair warning me to stay out of trouble before heading off to play with the guys. My stomach leaped when Lucas saw me and waved. I gave him a small wave and watched as he threw the ball a perfect spiral to David who caught it and was running for a touchdown. I smiled and started walking again.

“Watch out!” someone yelled suddenly. I turned around to see a football come spiralling down towards me a full speed. Me being the non-athletic uncoordinated person I was, attempted to catch the ball but failed and it hit me in the face causing me to fall back. I groaned and I rubbed my nose feeling it throbbing in pain.

“Great” I muttered. Now I’m going to look like a freak with a swollen nose.

“Are you okay” Lucas called out to me. He reached me and crouched down examining my face. I tried to get up but I stumbled and fell into his arms.

“Whoa, let’s get you to the nurse’s office. We’re going to need to put some ice on that right away” he said wrapping his arms around my waist and walking me back inside the school.

Lucas stayed with me while the nurse got an ice pack for my nose. I told him he didn’t have to stay but he wanted to. I couldn’t stop smiling as he sat there with me and talked about the big football game next week.

“You’re still coming to the game right” he asked hopefully. I looked up at him giving him an ‘are you serious look’ He sat there confused until it clicked in. “Right forgot you’re on the school band” he smiled sheepishly. I nodded my head and cringed at the pain in my nose. The nurse came and gave me an ice pack.

“I probably look like a clown” I mumbled putting the cold pack to my face. He smiled a little and looked into my eyes.

“You look perfect” he whispered. My eyes shot open and I stared at him speechless. He cleared his throat realizing what he just said. He got up quickly standing awkwardly for a minute. Then turned and looked into my eyes intently.

“Um I have to get to class. Are you going to be okay?” he asked concerned. I nodded my head no words forming because I was still in shock and watched as he did a small wave and headed out the nurses office.

I sighed and rested my head against the wall a small smile dawning on my face as I repeated the words in my head. Lucas just said that I looked perfect. Maybe there’s hope after all. 

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