Chapter 4

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Gym was horrible. I hit at least three girls in the head and knocked off a girl’s glasses off her face. Not to mention on my way to my second period I trip over something and knocked someone down with me landing on top of them.

“Great can my day get any worse” I mumbled.

“I hope not” a familiar voice rang in my ears. My eyes shot wide open as I realized that the person I tripped was Lucas.

“I-I am so so sorry” I stammered like an idiot.

“It’s cool” he chuckled. “Do you want to get off me now?” he laughed. My face immediately turned crimson red and I shot off him like a rocket. I held out my hand to help him up.

“I really am sorry Lucas” I apologized again. He smiled kindly at me and shook his head.

“Don’t worry about it, no harm done” he smiled. My heart fluttered.

“I’m such a klutz” I scolded myself looking down at the floor.

“Hey don’t say that” he whispered. He gently lifted my chin to make me look at him.

“You’re not a klutz” he assured me. I felt so many emotions run through me at that moment. I’m surprised that I didn’t faint, and because my heart was beating so fast I thought it would give out.

“I better head to class. See you around” he waved before disappearing down the hall. I stood there for a while and just stared at his retreating figure. Then a smile crept on my face. I made my way to my favourite subject in the whole entire world – music.

After music class I was still in a daze from my earlier encounter with Lucas.  I still had butterflies in my stomach with the way he looked at me. I floated my way to my locker and opened it in a trans-like state. 

“TAYLOR!” someone yelled. I jumped dropping my books onto my feet. I looked over at the person who startled me and it was Selena. I smiled at her before bending down to pick up my books.

“I’ve been calling you for like 5 minutes” she folded her arms across from her chest.

“I'm sorry” I said sincerely. She relaxed and put her hands to her side.

“It’s okay” she smiled. “So why were you in la-la land again?” she asked smiling slyly. I blushed looking away and grabbing my lunch. I closed my locker and leaned against it. My eyes widened when I looked down the hallway and saw Lucas walking towards me. My breath hitched as he smiled his amazing lopsided smile and stop short in front of me.

“Um you dropped this when you bumped into me this morning” he said handing me a light blue book. I blushed a crimson red as I took it from him. It was my lyric book that I carried around with me every where. I love to write songs. It contained my feelings and emotions that were mainly about Lucas. I pray to God that he didn’t read any.  I thanked him quickly, slipping it in my locker. Selena was watching with an amused expression. Glad this amuses her. NOT! 

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