Chapter 11

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I looked over at Selena and gave her a worried look.

“We can’t walk to school, we’d be late” I told her. She nodded her head knowingly sighing and getting out of the car. I got out too and leaned against her car.

“We can’t call David because that would make him late too and he doesn’t want to ruin his perfect attendance” she said rolling her eyes. I giggled shaking my head. She looked at me with a serious face then started laughing with me. Pretty soon we were both laughing our butts off. After we calmed down I looked at my watch and saw that school would be starting in 12 minutes and it takes 10 to get there…by car. I sighed. If we didn’t want to be too late we had to start now. Just as Selena and I were starting our walk to school Lucas’ door opened up as he rushed out of the house. He stopped short when he saw us took one look at our despaired faces looked at the car then back to us and cocked an eyebrow knowingly.

“Do you guys need a ride” he offered with a smile on his face. Selena and I looked at each other and beamed before shaking our heads excitedly. He laughed and opened his car. I sat in the front while Selena sat in the back. A smile plastered its way onto my face the whole car ride.

Once we got to the parking lot there was Megan tapping her foot impatiently. I groaned. This felt like déjà vu, except this time Selena’s here to witness the bone chilling glare she gives me. I got out of the car and waited for Selena. Megan stood there glaring at me the whole time. I shifted on my feet awkwardly and thanked God when Selena finally did get out of the car. I mumbled a thank you to Lucas while Selena boldly pushed pass Megan thanking Lucas as well for the ride before linking arms with me and heading off to class.

During lunch Selena had a tennis meeting so I decided to eat lunch outside today and enjoy nature around me. I sat down by this big blossom tree smiling at all the cherry blossom flowers all around me on the ground. I pulled out my sandwich and took a bite looking up and observing the seen around me. I sat there quietly eating my lunch.

“Aw look who’s alone girls” I looked over to my right to see Megan and her ‘clones; Karen, Sharon.’ Selena and I call her followers clones because they copy everything Megan does. They copy the way she dresses, the way she does her hair, heck I bet they even wear the same undergarments as her on the same days – wouldn’t be surprised.

“Selena finally realize what a pathetic loser you are and left you” she smirked. I continued to eat my lunch ignoring her hoping that she would give up and leave me alone.

“What cat got your tongue” she cooed. The girls laughed at her stupid comment. Her smirk grew as she looked triumphant. She bent down so that our faces were levelled.

“Apparently I didn’t make myself clear last time when I told you to stay away from my boyfriend” she hissed in my face. “Stay away from him or else I’ll make the rest of your high school life a living hell” she threatened. I tried not to roll my eyes. Isn’t that what she’s been doing this whole time?

“Is there a problem” a deep voice boomed from behind Megan. I looked up but squinted because the sun was in my eyes. But I didn’t need to see their face to know who it was. I’ve known that voice practically my whole life.

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