Chapter 7

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The weekend was over – sadly and it was Monday again. As I was having breakfast someone honked outside which surprised me and caused me to choke on my cereal. As I was recovering from my little incident my phone buzzed on the kitchen table.

“Hello” I answered.

“Taylor, hurry up and get your butt out here now” Selena joked. I smiled and put my bowl in the sink before grabbing my backpack and ran out the door.

“Hey” I smiled as I hoped in her car. She beamed starting the engine and speeding off to school.

“I’ll see you after first period” Selena said as we got our stuff and headed off to our class.

“Hey” someone said taking hold of my arm. I spun around to see Lucas smiling brightly at me. My face went bright red as I gave him a small wave and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.  

“Hey” I croaked. A breath escaped me as I looked up into his sparkling green eyes. He smiled showing his perfectly straight white teeth and tossed his bangs to the side causing me to close my eyes and count to three so that I could maintain from fainting.

“Are you going to the football game next week?” he asked peering deeply into my eyes. I couldn’t speak so all I could do was give him a slight nod.

“Awesome” he smiled gave me a small wave before turning and heading down the hall. I leaned on a locker and let out a breath I never knew I was holding. I did a girly squeal and made my way to music.

After music class I went to my locker to get my things for gym.

“Why the long face” Selena joked knowing that I was not happy with going to gym. I stuck out my tongue closed my locker and walked along side her.

“Guess what?” she said suddenly causing me to jump a little. I looked over at her seeing her take a deep breath before talking. “Joni who heard from Josh who heard from Mitchell who heard from Stacey who heard from Michel-” she said but I cut her off holding up my hand.

“What did you hear from a long line of people” I joked as we walked into the girls’ change room. Selena looked around and pulled me to the corner.

“Megan’s cheating on Lucas” she whispered harshly. My eyes popped open and I had to hold on to something before I lost my balance.

“That’s not possible” I whispered barely audible for her to hear. She nodded her head and went to get her clothes

“Can you believe that tramp” she said harshly. I looked at her with wide eyes. “You know it’s true” she mumbled. “I mean if only Lucas could see that you’re 10 million times better than Megan he wouldn’t be in a relationship full of lies and distrust” she said looking at me. I nodded my head knowing she was right. Lucas did not deserve this kind of hurt. And if Megan thinks she can play him like that she’s got another thing coming. 

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