Chapter 9

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“Wow that is an amazing song” David commented. I blushed and put away my guitar. Selena was almost home from tennis. David begged me to play a song or else he was going to climb on my roof top and shout at the top of his lungs that I was in love with Lucas smith. So I had to, what else could I do? He knew that I was love with Lucas, thanks to his sister. They tell each other everything, which I find really cute. I wish I had a sibling I was that close with.

“You know you’re even more beautiful without your glasses” David said brushing my cheek softly. I turned crimson red and looked away. He laughed and pulled me into a hug. “Don’t worry I'm not hitting on you” he joked. “Just stating the facts” he said nonchalantly. I looked up at him and he smiled.

“You really think I'm pretty” I whispered. He beamed and tapped my nose.

“Gorgeous” he grinned. I smiled and hugged him tightly. “Just wish that Lucas could see what I see” he whispered to himself. “He shouldn’t be with that ogre” he mumbled in my hair. I closed my eyes and let a tear fall. David noticed and took me by the shoulders.

“What’s wrong, was it something I said?” he asked worriedly. I shook my head and snuggled into him. If only Lucas did have feelings for me.

The doorbell rang and I ran to go get it. Selena tackled me into a big sweaty hug.

“Eww, you’re sweaty” I joked. She laughed and let herself in.

“Hey bro” she punched him in the shoulder. He stuck his tongue out and punched her back.

“I’m going to go now that your here” he teased ruffling her hair. She pushed him and plopped down on the couch.

“See you tomorrow” he said giving me a big hug. I beamed and hugged him tighter. I was so glad that I had David.

After Selena took her shower we went up to my room to do our homework. We were finished in a matter of seconds. I stretched and got up heading downstairs with Selena behind me. We went to the kitchen to find something to eat. As I was drinking some orange juice I looked out the window and nearly spit it out everywhere. My kitchen window had a clear view of Lucas’ front lawn to see him and Megan arguing. She yelled at him at about something and he just stood there glaring at the ground taking it in. I stood there gawking at the scene that was unfolding in front of me. I watched as she threw her hands in the air turned around and walked away. My heart started to beat faster as my mind raced over what I just saw. Is this it? Did Lucas and Megan finally break up?

I spun around facing Selena panting breathlessly. She had her faced stuffed with a turkey sandwich. Her mouth hung open with food as she gave me a confused look. I told her what I just witnessed in one breath. She looked at me for a moment then dropped her sandwich and ran to the window almost tripping in the process. I turned around and saw that Lucas was sitting on his front porch throwing rocks angrily. She turned around looking at me with wide eyes.

“Go to him” she said taking my hand leading me to the door, but I draw back. I shook my head frantically backing up. She rolled her eyes and started tapping her foot impatiently. I folded my arms across my chess determined to hold my ground. She gave me a low growl and I jumped a little. Selena may be small but she is one scary girl when she wants to be. 

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