Chapter 10

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“Okay” I said holding my hands up defensively. “But what do I say?” I asked rubbing my arm nervously. A smile formed on her petit flawless face.

“Pretend to go check your mailbox and then act surprise when you see him on his porch then go up to him and ask him what’s wrong” she instructed taking my hand and leading me to the door. I nodded my head slowly taking in a deep breath and walked out the door. I went to my mailbox acting nonchalant. As I was forming words in my head to say I was startled when a hand found its way onto my shoulder. I turned around to see Lucas smiling brightly at me.

“Hey” he beamed. I inhaled a shaky breath and mumbled a hello. I stood there taking in his flawless complexion. I watched as the sunlight made his beautiful blonde hair glow. I looked deeply into eyes and found specks of blue in them. I was so fixated on his eyes that I didn’t hear him talking until he took my hand and knocked on my head.

“Hello anybody in there” he joked. I snapped out of it and laughed lightly, blushing a light shade of pink. I could only imagine Selena smacking her head right now at my embarrassing moment as to say ‘smooth Taylor smooth’ 

“So how are things” I mumbled as I tapped my fingers nervously. The smile that he once had on his face disappeared. My heart ached and I wanted to do something to make that smile come back. “Is something wrong” I croaked not wanting to push him. He didn’t have to tell me anything if he didn’t want to. He gave me a small smile and looked deep into my eyes searching for something. I would give him what he wanted if I knew what he was looking for.

“It’s nothing” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. I wanted to scream, find Megan and give her a piece of my mind. I hated what she was doing to him. This isn’t fair. He deserved better. Can’t he see he belongs with me?  It was silent between us for a while. I stood there thinking of ways to make Megan pay. I looked up at him and his eyes held distance but his forehead creased in concentration. I cleared my throat and scratched my arm nervously.

“If you need anything, even if it’s just to talk I’m here” I said sounding a lot bolder than I felt. He looked into my eyes again staring at them for a while before blinking and giving me a smile.

“Thanks Taylor. You’re a great friend” he said sadly giving me a hug. I tried not to faint in his arms as he held me. Every part of my body was having a spasm attack. I could hear in my mind a chorus of halleluiahs going off. He let go of me gave me a small smile before heading inside his house. I stood there for what seemed like eternity shocked in place until Selena came outside and literally dragged me back inside my house.

Selena stayed over that night and we stayed up talking about whether I should tell Lucas Megan’s cheating on him or not. We agreed we should stay out of it and let him figure out for himself but I was scared that when he did find out his heart would be broken and I can’t stand to see him hurt, especially by Megan.

The next morning Selena and I woke up late and had to rush to get ready for school.

“Come Selena we have to hurry or else we’re going to be late” I yelled grabbing my shoes and struggling to put it on. She grabbed two apples and ran out the door after me. We got in her car and she started it. It revved then sputtered then finally gave a wheezing sound before stopping completely. Selena banged her head on the wheel and groaned. The car just died. I sighed and rested my head on the headrest. Great. What do we do now?

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