Chapter 6

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“Taylor” Lucas waved a hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times before looking at him.

“You remembered we were friends when we were little” I squeaked out. He dropped his hand and gave me a sad look.

“Yeah, I remembered we used to be really close…but as we got older we grew apart” he looked down at the sand staring intently at it.

“Yeah things were different back then” I whispered trying to keep the tears from falling. He then looked up at me with hopeful and excited eyes.

“That doesn’t mean that we can’t still be friends now.” He smiled at me.  I swear my heart was about jump out of my chest and run away. It was beating too fast that for me to handle. I didn’t know how much I could take before I would have a heart attack.

I gulped and nodded slowly. I didn’t say a word because I couldn’t trust myself. 

Lucas and I stayed and talked at the park for a while laughing and telling each other embarrassing secrets. Things were going great until his phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out to see that he’s received a text. I watched as the happiness from his face turned into a scowl as he read the message. My only guess was it had to have been Megan. She did something this week which caused Lucas to be very upset about. As a matter of fact they’ve been fighting a lot lately and just when I think that he’s going to end their relationship the next day they’re lovey dovey with each other.

Who am I kidding though? Lucas smith is not going to leave the most popular and beautiful girl in school to come running to my front door with flowers and candy saying ‘be mine.’ That’s only in my dreams and the only dreams that come true are in fairytales and I must face it, this is not a fairytale, this is reality and sadly I'm living it.

“Sorry but that was my girlfriend and she’s needs me to do something for her” he apologized getting up from the swing. I forced a smile and looked up at him. The sun shining on his golden hair made my heart do flips. 

“I’ll see you around okay” he said smiling kindly at me. I nodded my head and returned the smile. He did a small wave before leaving the park. I sighed and started pushing myself on the swing thinking about when Lucas and I were younger.

I stayed there for a while until the wind started to pick up. I looked up to see grey clouds flooding the sky. It looks like it’s going to rain tonight. I got up from the swing and slowly made my way home.

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