Chapter 14

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“He said what” Selena squealed the next day when I told her what Lucas said to me. I closed my locker and grinned. She laughed and linked arms with me.

“It’s only a matter of time” she beamed walking me to social studies. I wanted to ask her what she was talking about but she left before I could even form a word to say.

The next week Lucas has been coming over to my house every night. We would stay up and talk about our childhood memories or he would crack up a joke that would make me laugh til my stomach hurt. It surprised me one night when he started rambling on about Megan and wondering if he ever made a mistake dating her. I wanted so badly to scream out ‘Yes’ he did and she’s nothing but a two timing witch, but I couldn’t bring myself to be the cause of his heartbreak.

Tonight was the big football game. The school band had rehearsals everyday after school this week. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was already at school and in my uniform which was a royal blue jacket with matching pants. We also had to wear the band hat which looked ridiculous, but I couldn’t complain.

Lucas and his team were out on the field warming up. Megan and her squad were on the sidelines throwing cheers to get the crowd pumped. I looked over in the benches and saw Selena waving at me. I waved back and gave her a big grin. I looked back on the field and saw David and Lucas practicing throwing the ball at each other. David looked over and saw me. He gave me a wave and I returned it and gave him two thumbs up. Lucas followed his gaze and his eyes landed on mine. My heart fluttered and I inhaled a breath. He gave me a wave and I waved back slightly.  Megan saw him waving at somebody and when she saw it was me she gave me a death glare and mouthed ‘stay away.’  I ignored her glare and continued to play my instrument which was the clarinet along with the rest of the band.

The game was intense. Both teams were tied 16 to 16. There was 10 seconds left in the game. The crowd went wild as Lucas caught the ball and made a touch down winning the game. We screamed at the top of our lungs and cheered. The band played triumphantly. The boys ran out and picked Lucas up carrying up across the field cheering. I looked over at Selena who was clapping and shouting happily. I laughed and looked back out on the field. I watched as Lucas made his way over to Megan who looked to be flirting with the schools biggest player, Tyler Carson. She wrapped her arms around him saying something and rubbed his chest. He had his arms around her pulling her closer to him. Lucas came up to them and pointed between the two anger and confusion on his beautiful face. I watched as she put a hand on her hip and said something that made Lucas glare at her then shake his head, before walking away from them. The whole time I stood there gawking at them. I shook my head sadly and watched after Lucas. How could she do this to him, and she didn’t look the least bit guilty. Lucas didn’t deserve this.

That night I tossed and turned in my bed worrying about Lucas. I wish I told him about Megan when I had the chance, maybe he would have less of a heartbreak. I almost fell asleep when there was a knocking on my window. I groaned before getting up and opening the curtains. I stood there looking at Lucas who looked upset, sad, and tired all at once. I quickly opened the window letting him climb in.

He stood there for a second before wrapping his arms around me. I pulled him closer to me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He buried his head in my neck and sighed. I shivered as his breath hit my skin. My legs felt weak as he held me. We stood there silently as we held each other. I know that he was grieving, and I didn’t know what to say, so I just held him quietly and let the time pass on.

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