Everyone Has Secrets

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       Crane and Diana followed Jinxx and Faith to the kitchen , offering their assistance with the meal , and the four of them managed to put together a decent spread of chicken parmesan , pasta , salad , and homemade garlic rolls .

       "These rolls are really good !" , CC said . "Why haven't you made these before ?" 

       "Because I didn't make them this time ." , Faith replied . "You can thank Mr . Crane for that ."

        "Dang , I didn't know Crane could bake !" , Jake Wells chimed in . "Is there anything you can't do , man ?"

        "Many things , actually , Master Wells ." , Crane responded . "For instance , I cannot play the violin , as Master Jinxx does . For me to attempt to do so could be considered a crime against my fellow man ."

        Everyone laughed at this response , and Jenny added , "He's actually being completely honest , folks . I heard him try once . It sounded like a chihuahua was caught in a fanbelt ."

       "Thank you so much for your critique of my musical talents , Miss Jenny ." 

       "Hey , I didn't say I could do any better !" , she informed him . "Musicianship isn't my strong suit , either ."

       "No , you'd probably wind up kickboxing the poor violin into matchsticks if it didn't cooperate ." , Faith laughed .

       The rest of the dinner conversation was similarly lighthearted , allowing the two groups to become better acquainted . Alex spent a significant portion of the meal talking with Jake Pitts and Joe regarding various camera techniques , while Jinxx engaged Crane and Jake Wells in a conversation involving their shared interest in history , and everyone else talked about various other topics , by unspoken agreement leaving the topic of their unknown stalker for the time being .

       Afterward , Jon , Yanni , Alex , and Diana cleared the table and took the dishes to be washed , and everyone else drifted off to find something else to do . Andy stood up and said , "I'm gonna go out back and have a smoke . Anybody want to come with and keep me company ?"

      "Yeah , sure , I'll go ." , Joe said , and Faith also replied in the affirmative . As they moved toward the back door , Jenny and Crane fell in behind the other three , following them out to the back deck .

      Andy moved a short distance from the others , lighting a cigarette , and finally said , "That was some weird shit you got on that video , cuz . I don't think I'll be going with Jinxx on any of his ghost - hunting trips in the future if that's what pops up . Assuming that he still wants to do it , that is ."

       "Yeah , I know . Can I tell you guys something without you telling the others ?" , Joe said .

       "As long as it isn't something to do with whatever is going on here ." , Faith responded .

        "It's not , at least not directly ." , he answered . "I have to be honest , I was scared shitless the whole time we were there , the whole thing just felt bad , even before that ... thing showed up . I just don't want everybody else to think I'm a complete wuss ."

       "I wouldn't say that at all ." , Jenny told him . "It sounds to me like your instincts might have actually been more tuned in than the other guys . There are times when being scared doesn't mean you're a wimp , it means you're smart ."

       "That is absolutely correct , Master Flanders ." , Crane added . "That is a lesson I learned during my service in the military ; the man who doesn't fear a potentially dangerous situation is a reckless fool , who is a risk to the well - being of both himself and his comrades ."

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