Rescue Mission

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      Making their way through the yard , the group reached the treeline , and before they entered the woods , Crane turned to face the others .

      "Remember , everyone , no one goes off alone ." , he said . "If the demon is there , it will still be dangerous . Even though it seems to be a nocturnal creature , it will most likely attack if it is awakened or cornered ."

      Stopping to adjust the coil of rope she carried on her shoulder , Jenny added , "And I know this is probably going to sound silly , under the circumstances , but if it is alert and ready for us , then try to stay calm. Try to keep your mind clear , and don't give it anything to work with , if you can help it ."

      Everyone nodded their agreement , except Gibbs , who merely looked puzzled . They started moving again , and as they walked , Yanni and Jinxx explained what they had discovered about the demon . Once they had finished , he shook his head and sighed , "Great . Try to keep a demon from reading your mind to come up with the best way to scare you shitless and eat you . Simple enough , in theory , but in practice ... I'm not so sure ."

      "That's what I said ." , CC informed him . 

      The deep , wet snow slowed them considerably , making what should have been a fifteen - minute walk to the old house take nearly three times as long . When they finally stepped into the clearing , Joe almost instantly pointed toward the side of the house , calling out , "Look , guys ! Somebody's definitely been here !"

      They all turned their heads in the direction he'd indicated , and had no trouble seeing the churned - up areas of snow near the rear corner of the decrepit building . As they moved closer , they were able to determine that the crude path originated from the direction that Katie had indicated earlier , while explaining where she lived . 

      "All right , folks , I think we should probably divide up to cover both exits ." , Gibbs stated , his hand already on his weapon . "That way , if it is active , it can't sneak Vance out one way while we're coming in the other ."

      "I agree , Sergeant , but I would suggest one alteration to the plan ." , Crane responded . "As Miss Jenny has come prepared , my recommendation is to form three groups , with two of us accompanying her to the upper floor , in the event that it has taken him up there ."

      Everyone agreed that this was a good idea , and after a brief discussion , Yanni and CC were sent with Jenny , while Gibbs took Alex and Jinxx around the back of the house , and Crane approached the front with Joe and Hawley . As they reached the porch , Hawley scanned the area , and said , "Crane , you know I'm about as head - blind as it's possible to be , for somebody in my line of work , but I've got to tell you , I don't like the feel of this place . There's something about it that's just . I know that probably sounds lame , but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Something here is just not right ."

      "That's what I thought the first time we came here ." , Joe informed him . "It didn't look like anything had been touched since the original owner died . There aren't even any bird nests , or mouse crap , or anything like that inside . It's like the animals don't even want to be there . The whole thing is just creepy ." 

      "That is because an animal's survival depends on them following their instincts ." , Crane replied . "Would that our own species were as attentive to such things . Then , perhaps , situations such as this wouldn't happen ."

      They mounted the steps onto the porch , and opened the door , stepping into the dusty , frigid living room . "Hell , I think it's colder in here than it is outside !" , they heard Alex grumble from the kitchen . "I can't feel my nose now ."

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