Ultimate Adrenaline Junkie

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       "Are you still thinking about going to poke around in that creepy old house today ?", Jesse yawned , slumping in his chair as they all picked at breakfast .

       " After last night , I think we have to ." , Diana said . "Apparently , this thing followed you guys from there , so there may be some sort of clue there ."

       "And Chief Potter said that the guy her uncle suspected for those other murders lived there , remember ?" , Faith reminded everyone . "Everything ties back to the house ."

       "Good point !" , Ashley chimed in . "I'll be honest with you , I'm not exactly looking forward to it , but I'd sure as hell rather go rummage around that old ruin than have a repeat of last night ."

       "No shit !" , CC interjected . "If I'm gonna be kept awake most of the night , dodging demons and being interrogated by the cops aren't at the top of my list of preferred reasons !"

      Everyone nodded , silently agreeing with the drummer . Chief Potter , along with several of her officers , had arrived just as the EMT's had finished loading Randy Morris into the ambulance . She had sent two of them back to town with the dog , instructing them to drop her off at the vet's , and then go to the hospital and question Randy at the earliest opportunity . 

       She then followed everyone into the house , along with a patrol officer , who went upstairs to snap pictures of the boarded - up window , while she stayed downstairs to question the group . They recounted the strange incident in the bedroom , and hearing Randy screaming outside , including the odd things that he and Diana had witnessed , because Faith was still unwilling to divulge what had disturbed her so badly . By the time Chief Potter left the house , it had been nearly three AM , so no one had gotten much sleep , and they were all feeling the effects .

      At that moment , Crane and Jenny walked in from outside , carrying a book and several containers .

       "Hopefully we've fixed it where that thing can't get in here again ." , Jenny said , grabbing a pair of coffee mugs from the cabinet and filling them from the freshly brewed pot on the counter , as Crane carefully sat everything down .

       "Indeed . Miss Jenny and I have marked protective runes on every possible point of egress to this dwelling , and performed incantations to reinforce them ." , Crane informed them . "It will be difficult , if not impossible , for our unwelcome visitor to gain entry again , at least not without causing itself considerable pain . Thank you , Miss Jenny ." , he said , as she handed him the coffee she'd poured for him .

       "I know that's one of those jars of holy water you were flashing around last night , but what's in the other container ?" , Jake Pitts asked him .

      "After we finished placing the runes , Miss Jenny and I walked out to the road to inspect the truck , and the surrounding area , and we found a substance that appears similar in nature to that which was on Miss Faith's sleepwear ." , Crane responded . "I felt it prudent to collect a sample for later analysis ."

       "Well , the dog bit it , that would probably at least sting a bit ." , Alex said .

       "And with that flash that Jenny and I saw when it touched Faith's necklace , I'm willing to bet that it was hurt before the dog came anywhere near it ." , Diana added .

       "It sure as hell sounded that way !" , Jinxx said . "We heard it all the way downstairs , with the door shut ."

       After Jenny and Crane had eaten some breakfast , everyone put on their coats and boots and left the house . Jenny grabbed the rope and grappling hook from the SUV , then everyone started for the abandoned house , with Joe , Alex , and Jake Pitts all recording as they went . They followed the route that Faith and the guys had taken when they found the body , to see if anything had been overlooked , but they found nothing new .

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