Love, Annie

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Hello, hello, my lovely cookies! I've uploaded (yet another) 1D fanfic! I'm going overboard, but oh well! Who cares? You guys love them, so why not? Anyways, a totally different plot in this one. ;) Hope you like it.

P.S. i know it's really short. But it's getting there. I have the next 9 chapters done anyways. I'll be uploading soon xx

Hugs and Kisses,


Love, Annie

Chapter 1

Dear whoever decides to pick this up and read it,

Hello. My name is Annie Moore. You must be thinking I’m crazy, right? Go for it. I am. Hopefully, you’re crazy, like me, too. Two crazy’s writing to each other. Isn’t that fun? Anyways, the point here is…well…I’m not even sure. I don’t even think there IS a point to my idiocy. But I guess I’ve always really wanted a pen pal. Would you be willing to be my pen pal? By all means, just toss this out, burn it even, if you think I’m a lunatic. Or maybe just give this to someone else who’d love to have a pen pal? I’m a girl, in case you haven’t noticed yet. I’m hoping whoever picks this up is a boy. Not many boys (boys, guys, men, whatever) ever really write much. I’d also love to finally get inside the mind of a boy. This is really random now, but do you like chocolate chips? I love chocolate chips. You’d think I’d be a whale because of how much I eat, but I’m surprisingly not. Funny, right? Weird metabolism. Anyways, enough of my idiocy now, for this letter. Hopefully, whoever decides to pick this up and read it, you’ll reply back. If not, I’m sorry to have been a nuisance.

Love, Annie

Love, AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now