You're Just Kissing Up So I'll Let You Get A Gift, Aren't You?

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Well, this one's 8 pages on Word :/ Anyways, second to last chapter, you guys! I just really wanted to thank everyone for this story. This one beats Luck By Chance, any day. Thank you, all the commenters, voters, and silent readers. You've made this story be where it is right now. Thank you.

Love, Annie

Chapter 21

“They call her love, love, love, love, love. She is love, she is all I need.”

“I love this song,” I said, straightening up in the seat.

Niall looked over at me. “She Is Love?” At my nod, he grinned, pulling me close to him. “That’ll be our song, then.”

I smiled up at him. An idea suddenly popped into my mind. “Hey, can I borrow your phone?”

He gave me a curious look, but handed it to me anyways, and then started up a conversation with Paul, who was driving.

I quickly clicked on the twitter app on his iphone and shouted a ‘Yes!’ in my mind, when I saw he was logged in.

@NiallOfficial: Annie, here! I took Niall’s phone. Tweet for a follow back!

Biting my lip as I clicked to his mentions, I went from the bottom, up, following people and tweeting to them too. Some people even asked if I could follow them from my twitter. It felt rather nice.

“What are you doing?” Niall curiously asked, peering over my shoulder to see.

“Nothing,” I smirked, pulling the phone away. I’d followed about a thousand people in thirty minutes. He snatched the phone back.

“You followed a thousand people?” He asked, astonished.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked. When he shook his head, no, I said, “Yes I did, then.”

He barked out a laugh, shaking his head. “They love you, you know.”

“Who, your fans?” I asked him. He nodded. “I know,” I smiled. “It’s great.”

“Where did you go?” Danielle asked the second she and Eleanor whisked me away.

“Um, Mi Amor, why?” I asked. Mi Amor is the fancy restaurant next to the Spot.

“Did he pull out your seat for you?” El asked.

“What did he say to you?” Dani shot at me.

“Yes and what do you mean?” I answered them both.

El nodded, and proudly said, “Atta boy! That’s a right old gentlemen.”

Dani shot her a look and then turned back to me, saying, “Like, what conversations stroke up?”

“I don’t know, a lot of things,” I awkwardly answered her.


“Which one?” Niall asked.

I hummed as I thought. “Red polo,” I answered, pointing to the one he held up in his left hand.

He looked at it. “Really?”

I nodded, “Yup. I always thought you looked better in your red polo. It’s cute,” I giggled.

He grinned at me and pecked me on the lips. “Thanks.”

“Annie, help me out here!” Danielle pouted, walking in, bringing Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis in. They rolled their eyes.

“With?” I asked, as Niall changed shirts.

Love, AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now